Dangerous predators.

Dangerous predators.

14 December.

Darkness is enveloping sinister, And frightening, Elusive, Alluring, Captivating and Inviting, Every night it falls like a clock that is punctual, And we accept it as a Part of Our life that is factual, Whilst the earth revolves around a burning sun, Giving us light, Our moon revolves around Planet earth That's how it all began. In the beginning was God. The beginning of time, Is when light and darkness Starts to make sense in this rhyme. And eventually the beginning of time, Sought for man, And so we Began our inevitable climb Thanks to Greek Mythology, And the gods, Prometheus, it is said Stole fire from the heavens, giving it To humankind, Which brought about the start Of Civilization, For now Man could find, And make warmth, Primitive weapons, Comfort and light, Warding off Dangerous predators Of incredible might. But Man also Inherited evil And so it was born, From the serpent and Eve, No longer was man as God Made him, naive. The time of darkness and light, And evil and good, Is now. Understood, Both were rife In life! The Crusaders who fought and killed In the name of Christianity and God Were a so called valiant lot, But truly an evil killing squad! After many eons we evolved and And arrived at the last century, when Two world wars were fought! Millions of Jews were killed, In The 2nd World War’s plight Under Hitler, An evil leader who only Saw his light, In battle after battle and fight after fight! Today we still fight the battle Between Darkness, And light It's name is narcotics, which allure Youngsters into the darkness of life, For which they will slice one With a knife! What are we heading, For what Is our strife? Humankind should fervently Pray for peace, A life that is far from Evil and Dark.

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