

ZIP : 01950

bd: November 11 1979

Name: Harry Williams

e-mail: HarryW1981@yahoo.com

Adress: United States (US), North AmericaRegion:

Massachusetts (MA)City:


Pets: cat

Grocery: all

Home: own

Married: yes

Race: African American

Spanish - no

children - 1 girl age 3 1 boy age 19

Education : Bachelor's degree

income - 100000 - 125000

Взгляды: Republican

Employment: full-time

computer software

group director

101-500 employees

Hobby: computers, games, music,hunting

Household: main

Phone: iPhone

other: iPad, laptop, PC

vehicle: BMW X5 2010 OWN

vehicle 2: mercedez benz s CLASS

Age: 39

TV: 6 to 10 hours

my illneses: Gastroentheris, type 1 diabetes

else: bronchitus, dental problems, gastroenteris

insurance: medicaid

issues: Economic Issues – like taxes, wages, jobs, unemployment, and spending

Protestant, born-again

Slightly conservative

Credit cards: Visa

cell phone: AT T

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