


I updated the test cases in the user registration task with the error validation on profile picture, then I launched the project locally to check the registration form and we found an error with the size of the images that was finally fixed By the time it took about 4 hours and for this task it remains only to wait for it to fall into QA status.

Then i worked with mongoDB to investigate how the task Estates - getHierarchy/{estateID} will be working and which data will be in it.

Today I will work with the investigation of the API and I will wait until the tasks fall into QA, maybe today Kesian will give some kind of task.


On friday i was working with two tasks Registering a User (POR-142) and Extend user with email field (PLAT-249). In the first task I talked about this task with Alex, investigated a little and then added test cases, it took four hours.

In the second task, I did the same thing i mean test cases, investigate and a call with Nikita, because I didn’t understand cognito's work very well. But now it`s better.

Today I want to set up a test framework to begin automating the API and check in the manual task Estates - getHierarchy/{estateID}.

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