Salary, Gemstone & GIFs

Salary, Gemstone & GIFs

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🤑 Daily Bonus

/daily - Collect daily money - This is your salary + money you gain out of your family relations

Daily you will get a type of gemstone, there are 5 types of gemstones, You will have to figure out who has same type of gemstone as you, and after that, reply to them with /fuse, and you both get $5000 bonus! Gemstone is one time use.

Gemstone will refresh daily.

👮 Jobs (Alpha Only)

Some jobs have feature, some don't , it's a bit messy. But just take a job you like, you'll get daily money from it. Baby Sitter requires 3 children, you can adopt more to acqurire it.

🎞 Reaction GIFs

Apart from this, you can use commonly used reaction gifs like , "kiss","pat","sad","smile". by putting a comma before them

/reactions - (/rxns) See available reaction GIFs, accessible via ,hug ,pat etc or .hug .pat

example: ",smile" will send you a smile gif. see all types in /reactions.

and .smile also works

Example of using .cry or ,pat gives these.

High Quality Neko & Waifu is also in bot.

🎞 Custom Rob/Kill GIFs

To make rob kill more enjoyable, and in general, We support many types of anime gifs. but to add more into it, we support custom GIFs. Send a GIF and reply to it with "/addgif killyes", then that GIF will be shown when someone is killed.

/addgif - use /addgif robyes|robno|killyes|killno as reply to gif to use it for failed kill etc

Now whenever someone gets robbed, it'll be randomly from custom gifs or anime gifs.

/remgifs - Remove all custom saved gifs of group

/showgifs - Show custom saved gifs

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