

Inestimable March: Fate and all plans, even miracles come at birth, bring their own happiness to the world and the universe. So on this occasion, valuable person has celebrated their birthday. Tambah dewasa yaa, jadi ada banyak harapan baik dari gua yang mungkin ngga bisa disebutin satu-satu, tapi gua berharap ada banyak kebahagiaan yang bakal ada di setiap langkah lu, bahkan lebih dari sebelumnya. Long life so you can go through more experiences and lessons, health so you can keep doing what you want to do and going anywhere you pin on your maps and go to lists.

I know that maybe you've been through a lot, tapi lu hebat! You can survive until now, you did your best. So after this do what you want to do, don't ever hesitate, jangan pernah takut apapun, you can go through anything with determination, I'll be here to support you in any case, just like I said this morning. I'm ALWAYS here and always supporting you, hugging you when you need one, rub your back when you feel tired of life, kisses your cheeks just because my baby deserve that.

Terima kasih yaa udah lahir ke dunia, banyak yang udah lu lewatin selama ini, I'm proud to have you here, serius deh. This joyous day is so complete, there are happy birthday wishes for you, then there are happy mensiversarry wishes for us in the next day, right? Udah banyak yang terlewat dari susah seneng dan gua beruntung bisa lewatin itu bareng lu, you want to know something? Ada 2 lagu yang reminds me of you. The first one is when I listen "Kiss me slowly" well it's like a wishes and apa ya, words for you (bcs you alr encourage me a lot) "stay with me, don't leave me alone, walk with me, and I won't let you go" masih banyak, mungkin lu harus dengerin juga 👍. And the second one is "Long Way Home" by 5SOS! "Hitting every red light, kissing at the stop signs, darling. Greenday's on the radio, and everything is alright" and yes, everything is alright. Once again you have to believe in yourself, I wanna see you grow to be more courageous and dashing. Sekali lagi selamat ulang tahun! Gua berharap semua kebaikan ada buat lu, kita punya hubungan yang lebih kuat, percaya dan pastinya punya banyak waktu buat lewatin setiap kesempatan. I love you as always.

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