Ramil Mamedov

I'm 21 years old. I study in Vologda State University at the History Department and in Moscow Law Academy too. I have written a lot of scientific articles about Russian - Turkish political, judicial and economic relationships and I have been to a lot of international conferences where I spoke on this issue.

I know the Russian legislation, have an idea about the ways and risks of tax optimization and I can sue a claim. I'm included on the honour list in my university. For my academic achievements I've been awarded with a special scholarship.

About 2 years ago I got interested in banks, financial markets and economics. Now I have several debit cards, deposits and two broker accounts and I'm looking for every opportunity to make profit. The first broker account is for simple current operations (I don't use it yet) and the second account is for tax profit in the future. I like to read works by Guriev, Auzan, Sonin, Kouell, Pindyck, Rabinfeld and other. Unfortunately, I didn't have any chance to use my English language skills, so I did it in Russian.

About 18 months ago I started to do a small online business of selling research papers and it gave me a great experience. I really know what it means to the administration of schedules and contacts, media marketing, targeting, and also what it's like to work with a lot of responsibility, tight deadlines and high stress.

About 6 months ago I started to prepare for entrance exams in Higher School of Economics. I learned German and Turkish before, so I started to learn English with a privite instructor. I've been studying English for just 6 months, still I'm able to read, translate and understand English texts and cope with Bloomberg easily. I can also speak English rather fluently. There is no doubt that in several months I will reach the level of English required for more specific perposes.

Among my positive characteristics are responsibility, adaptability, motivation, determination and flexibility. I'm able to work both on my own and in a team. I'm always ready to learn something new. I looking for absorbing and rewarding work and I hope I found it.

I live in Vologda. It takes 6 hours to get to Moscow from Vologda by car. If it's necessary, it's not a problem for me to move. I have some savings, which should be enough for the first time.

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