Cutie pie.

Cutie pie.

Absy Ernest.

Hi Love,

Thank you for making me feel loved and letting me feel, i'm enough, like I deserved to be loved without reservations. I love you and I really do. It's not just a cliche saying when i'm saying it to you. It means more than just "I enjoy being around you". It means "I have butterfilies when i see you, i want you in my arms forever, i wish i could just pause when i'm with you and stay that way forever, i want to be there fot you when you're going through something, i want to be there for you when you need someone to talk to, i need you". And I always Will. I just need you to let me love you. Let me be there for you when you're allowed. Let me hold you when I can. Let me cuddle with you. Let me live every second of every day I have with you like it's my last. I love you forever and always. No one else could ever take my heart then way you took it. You're my everything. My forever and always my universe.

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