Lecture Plan
Java Group "Atom Smasher"


  • Intro. Why Java is important and why its hard to learn it. And why u should never stop learning.

Primitives. Git

  • Control flow constructions. Arrays

  • Classes&Objects. Enums,Interfaces
  • OOP

  • Enums/Exceptions/Generics
  • Collections(List&Set)

  • Collections(Map)
  • Functional Programming

  • Exceptions&Optional
  • SOLID, KISS, DRY. Overview of GOF

  • GC overview
  • Java latest version features overview

  • Multithreading
  • JMM

  • Concurrency

  • Maven/Gradle

  • Spring DI
  • Jpa/Hibernate

  • Spring boot
  • Spring data + layered architecture

  • Rest Principle, Model Mapper, DTO, Spring Data Rest, HAL
  • Unit+Integration testing

  • Spring Security (Authentication)
  • Spring Security (Authorization)

  • Documentation tools+Spring boot actuator
  • Microservices with Spring Cloud

  • Docker
  • Mongo db

  • AWS
  • Deployment

  • Summary

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