Java Group "Forrest Gump"

Lecture Plan

  • Intro. Why Java is important and why its hard to learn it. And why u should never stop learning.
  • Object, Class, methods. Access modifiers. Basic constructions - if-else, for, while-do, switch
  • Polymorphises. Interfaces. Extensions. Composition and Aggregation
  • Arrays. Collections API 101. Lists.
  • Generics
  • Maps
  • Sets and Queues. Fifo and Lifo
  • Maven 101
  • Exceptions and Errors. Optional and Nullability
  • Streams & Lambdas p1
  • Java Concurrency 10,000 ft overview
  • Java Memory Model 101
  • Whats new in Java 9+. Maven deeper dive. Gradle as alternative
  • Spring Boot 101
  • Simple Rest Service. Layer architecture. Spring Beans. DI and IoC
  • Jackson Mapper. Rest Template. OkHttp
  • Docker 101. Kitematic. PostgreSQL
  • JDBC. Spring JdbcTemplate
  • Spring Data
  • Spring Security with Sessions
  • Spring Security with JWT
  • Deployment options. Heroku SaaS
  • Microservices and Serverless
  • Micronaut p1
  • Micronaut p2 / GraalVM
  • Spring Boot & Mongo p1
  • Spring Boot & Mongo p2
  • Spring Boot & RabbitMQ. Service decoupling
  • Reactive approach. ProjectReactor and RxJava
  • Kafka 101
  • AWS. Whats EC2, ElasticBeanstalk. Mature deployment
  • Sums up. Where to next? Q&A

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