@Albert Li

Homework "Django"

 1. Implement a new application for article comments. 

 # basic

1) Any type of user can leave a comment

2) An article comment should contain next fields: author, description, timestamp

3) If a commentator is logged in: disable author field and automatically insert his username into “author” field.

4) A user can leave a comment for another comment.

5) Comments should be on the same page with an article.

6) Comment should display all the 3 fields: author, description, timestamp

7) Comments should have a pagination.

# medium (optional)

Add an email field for a comment. If the email is provided and author’s comment has been commented by another user - notify the author about that by mail.

# advanced (optional)

For the comment system add ability to be signed in by social network(or google account). A new user should be created with the provided data from social network.

If the comment belongs to a logged in user - the “author” field in the comment should be a link to the user profile.

 2. Integrate DISQUS comment system in a different git branch.  (Or any other similar service for comments)

 3.   Add ability to edit a profile.

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