


I. Fundamentals

Chapter 1 : Encryption

  • Introduces the notion of secure encryption, from weak pen-and-paper ciphers to strong, randomized encryption.

Chapter 2 : Randomness

  • Describes how a pseudorandom generator works, what it takes for one to be secure, and how to use one securely.

Chapter 3 : Cryptographic Security

  • Discusses theoretical and practical notions of security, and compares provable security with probable security.

II. Symmetric Crypto

Chapter 4 : Block Ciphers

  • Deals with ciphers that process messages block per block, focusing on the most famous one, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Chapter 5 : Stream Ciphers

  • Presents ciphers that produce a stream of random-looking bits that are XORed with messages to be encrypted.

 Chapter 6 : Hash Functions

  • Is about the only algorithms that don’t work with a secret key, which turn out to be the most ubiquitous crypto building blocks.

Chapter 7 : Keyed Hashing

  • Explains what happens if you combine a hash function with a secret key, and how this serves to authenticate messages.

Chapter 8 : Authenticated Encryption

  • Shows how some algorithms can both encrypt and authenticate a message with examples, such as the standard AES-GCM.

III. Asymmetric Crypto

Chapter 9 : Hard Problems

  • Lays out the fundamental concepts behind public-key encryption, using notions from computational complexity.

Chapter 10 : RSA

  • Leverages the factoring problem in order to build secure encryption and signature schemes with a simple arithmetic operation.

Chapter 11 : Diffie–Hellman

  • Extends asymmetric cryptography to the notion of key agreement, wherein two parties establish a secret value using only non-secret values.

Chapter 12 : Elliptic Curves

  • Provides a gentle introduction to elliptic curve cryptography, which is the fastest kind of asymmetric cryptography.

IV. Applications

Chapter 13 : TLS

  • Focuses on Transport Layer Security (TLS), arguably the most important protocol in network security.

Chapter 14 : Quantum and Post-Quantum

  • Concludes with a note of science fiction by covering the concepts of quantum computing and a new kind of cryptography.


  • Encryption is the principal application of cryptography; it makes data incomprehensible in order to ensure its confidentiality.
  • Encryption uses an algorithm called a cipher and a secret value called the key;
  • In symmetric encryption, the key used to decrypt is the same as the key used to encrypt.
  • Asymmetric encryption, or public-key encryption, in which the key used to decrypt is different from the key used to encrypt
  • When we’re encrypting a message, plaintext refers to the unencrypted message and ciphertext to the encrypted message.
  • A cipher is therefore composed of two functions: encryption turns a plaintext into a ciphertext, and decryption turns a ciphertext back into a plaintext.
  • But we’ll often say “cipher” when we actually mean “encryption.”
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