Crypto Signals

Crypto Signals


Hello Good morning/noon/evening J May I speak to ______.

Great it’s _______ from Borman Corporation regarding your registration on Crypto Signals.

How are you today? J

I am calling in order to answer any questions if you have regarding this trading account.

By the way Do you have any past experience???

YES- really okay, How was it? Who traded? When? What was the % of profit on your account? ETC… (Get his information to use what and how to sell him)

NO- Good I am glad that you choose us as your beginners Trading Platform!

                                                           Crypto Signals

• I received a request from you for crypto signals.

Have you ever traded on the cryptocurrency market before? Do you know how does it work?

(listen to the answer and continue on the text)

That’s great! I'll tell you how to make a profit on crypto signals. It takes 5 minutes.

• Have you heard about the Borman Corporation cryptocurrency exchange?

Do you know that we have an office with our analysts?

Analytical department make predictions on cryptocurrencies every day and write crypto signals for you.

This is information about buying and selling of cryptocurrency, in order to make guaranteed income.

-         What is the accuracy of the signals?

• Our crypto signals are triggered in 90% of cases.

This is the maximum indicator for the market!

-  How much should I pay for crypto signals?

• All our customers receive crypto signals for free.

• When usual people buy crypto signals for $ 200 per month. We give crypto signals for free.

• Why? The more you make, the more we get from your transactions, so it is profitable for us to give you accurate signals.

-  Where may I see crypto signals?

• After opening your trading account, you will see the crypto signals in your personal account as a pop-up message.

• Crypto signals are updated every day.

• While we are talking, other traders have made income already. There is a profitable crypto signal, which will help you earn more than $ 75 per day. I am ready to open a trading account for you and access to crypto signals

I will now ask you a few questions to get your portfolio ready, so I can suit you the best account manager that will suit you okay?:

How old are you?

When are you mainly available? morning evenings or its flexible?

What is your job?

Why are you looking to invest in Crypto? // What are you looking for? // Why did you register?

(Let the client talk) or give examples:

Are you looking for an extra income or a long term investment?

To pay monthly bills or take care of a retirement plan?

How much would you like to start with?

Great Wonderful J J J

I have already a great Crypto specialist in mind for you according to your needs!

Let me check when he is available tomorrow …. (give the client 2 timeframes according to what he said he is mainly available – example said evening: I have tomorrow between 3-5pm or 5-7pm what is better for you?)

Great he will be in charge of teaching you guiding you giving you all financial tools and build you up an business plan according to your needs, first call will be about knowing each other so he can give you the best service getting you towards your financial success.

If it doesn’t suit you there is no commitment on your account, you can always withdraw with no commissions no fees (Best to show him on the platform where he can withdraw- Get his trust)

Awesome, So how would you like to process your investment? Visa or MasterCard?

Resistances (For Conversion Teams)

It doesn’t matter what the client says on the payment part for example:

1.     My card is not with me.

2.     I need to talk with my wife.

3.     I need to do more research.

4.     I don’t have the money. (1st – Let’s make an attempt…)

You should always ask the same thing followed by his excuse.

_____ I would like to ask you a question and I need you to be very honest with me so I can help you!

Could it be that even though you are very interested in this opportunity?? You’re telling me that (1/2/3/4) because of the fact that you don’t feel 100% comfortable with my company or giving our CC details on the phone… If that’s the case, it’s perfectly understandable… just let me know so I will be able to help you.

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