CPU Overload for IRISTA

CPU Overload for IRISTA


IRISTA Warehouse CPU Overload                                                                      

For e.g. Dupont

This is from ishare - IRISTA - Training Documents - Server_Logins (Excel Sheet)

Access that sheet from here.

For e.g. INC27749338

CPU load, bottleneck situation (Probability: 95.00%). (START: 04/21/2019 22:13:00; <cond>: <end>)

This incident was for Dupont with hostname MBGUX34

 For Filesystem /var used 80I (Threshold=80I) on mbgux35, check INC31157988

Open Putty

Hostname: MBGUX34.phx-dc.dhl.com

Hostname will be hostname.phx-dc.dhl.com

Port: 22 (as it is)

Connection Type: SSH

Login credentials inside putty will be the user id and pwd given in the above screenshot.

In this case it is buflprod and prod4bufl respectively.

For IRISTA, CPU utilization/load, the command is top

Type top.

You will see a list like below:

Check for LOAD and IDLE.

If the IDLE is high, then it is ok. Monitor it for 5-10 min and then close the ticket.

If the LOAD is high and is not dropping, then we need to call IRISTA Support.

The above can be found in ishare - IRISTA - IRISTA Contact Info (Word Doc)

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