Education in Uzbekistan before and after Covid-19

Education in Uzbekistan before and after Covid-19

Ergasheva Dilafro'z 4- guruh


I.Introduction: In quarantine education system?

II. The main part:

1.Students present themselves on five initiatives.

2. How are online lessons?

3. We are all together

III. Conculision.

Uzbekistan-to the great future!

 The folks from left, righ and centre are convulused from previously unseen and inevitable disease "Covid-19" . The world is undergoing high presure quarantine. The pandemic made all individuals shudder with real. 

Presently, all industries and companies have came to a half from business. Like wise, it has impacted to education system. The government has imposed a curfew for population. Nott with standing Tv programs commenced online lessons for colleg children, to further their expertise. The government had emposed scores of bans, nomely: not to take a stroll and random, being spotted with special protective masks as well as not to greet. Alternatively, Stores, shops and markets are srill an business. There are super sales in book stores, on accaunt of that children and adult individuals will be at liberty to peurchase variaty of intriguin books, magazines and newspaper to read in their spare time.

Buy the way, all the real estate tycoons and magnates came toconclusion to take sowe charity work and supple all disadventaged backgraunds with back-ups. They have donated comestibles and books for children to enhance their prowess in isolation period. Education is mountaining stability amid of students and even getting better. Tv lessons are assisting hot solely for children however for pdarents and grand parents to acquire some provacative datas. We are pssessiving a long drown out an effort to frace the panecea to this pandemic. 

In conclusion, I ought to confess that we will triumph ever in fcud with Corona Virus and all the aparments as well as collegs and unversities will start teaching students as usual, for that we require great patience and I fervently belive that we also possess it.

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