Standovár Martina, Tamacz Vanessza, Tukora Luca

As everybody knows the whole World is affected by a pandemic, called coronavirus. This virus appeared, first time, in the Chinese city, Vuhan. At that time nobody thought that this epidemic will cause such a big problem for the society.

In 2019 and 2020 every people's life changed because of the virus. This is a very contagious disease which spreads very fastly and virologists had realized that this is deadly too. The most affected age group is the ones who are over 65 years. The first country affected by the virus was China. China had altogether 80.000 infected and 3.000 dead. When the situation got worst and worst the Chinese Government started to act. Random people were tested on the street if they were infected or not and if yes they were placed in a two-week quarantine. That was because the symptoms appear in 2-14 days, but they infect without symptoms too. But when there were still a lot of infected as a fisrt step they closed the schools, then they stopped the public transport and finally every shop closed except the groceries and pharmacies. With these measures China got over the virus and today there are much less infected than there were.

In February the virus appeared in Europe and now this continent is in a more dangerous situation than Asia. While in Asia the pandemic is aproaching to it’s end in Europe hasn’t reached yet the acme. In Europe the same measures were set up as in China because we want to slow down the spreading.

The virus is most dangerous to the human health but it has a negative effect on the economy too. A lot of company become bankrupt and a lot of people lose their job. The stock exchange is getting worst and worst and some currencies are started to inflate.

How the coronavirus has changed our lives?

Before the appearing of the virus we don't knew who our lives gonna change...

We have to slow down the spread,so we have to slow down our lives too.

The first thing we have to do is take care about our hygiene,like wash our hands several times during the day and avoid the contact with other persons. These are simple things to do for our health, but there are some drastic that we have to do.

The most important is that we have to stay at HOME, if it is posible don't go to the supermarket or other markets. If you leave your house don't meet with other peolpe, keep up a distance of 1.5 meters. The children don't go to school they have to study from home,some people can't go to work or they have just been kicked out from their work.

We can't meet with our friends or our grandparents but we have to do it for us.We will feel isolated but it's normal we can't give up!

How can students learn?

Schools have been closed in several countries including Hungary. From the 16th of March, students can’t go to school, and they learn online.

The ways of teaching are different in each school. Teachers use applications like Google Classroom, Discord, Zoom, or Edmodo where they assign tasks to their students. These must be completed by the deadline, and in some cases, students get marks for their works, and they also write tests on the Internet.

Online teaching has advantages and disadvantages, too. It is not very good that teachers can’t explain the tasks, but students can write them messages if they do not understand something, and they can also look up on the Internet. Another disadvantage is that too many exercises must be done at the same time, and they usually take a lot of time.

On the other hand, it is beneficial because students can study even in the evening. They can take longer breaks and relax more. They are alone, not interrupted by their classmates and able to concentrate more on their work.

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