

Time for some Aliens, Prions, Covid, and a little dash of CIA.

What if interdimensional beings/aliens/demons/whatever the fuck you want to call them okay are actually on their way?

I want to start by stating that I am going to be classifying interdimensional beings and aliens separately, different levels of evolution either technologically or spiritually/whatever.

So COVID, we come to find out COVID has prion domains.

Some important parts:

"Recently we have conducted an analysis and identified for the first time viral prion-like domains (PrDs), which we suggest are novel regulators of virion assembly with a role in virus-host cell interactions (12,13). These studies were in alignment with previous studies, showing that in addition to the pathological role of prions that they play in humans being implicated in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, diabetes, and many other human pathologies, protein misfolding plays important physiological roles in eukaryotes and prokaryotes (14-17)."

"In this study, we used a high threshold of the PLAAC score for protein identification: only proteins with a high probability of prionogenic properties were included in the analysis. We found that all members of β-CoVs members contain PrDs in the S proteins. However, SARS-CoV-2 is the only member of β-CoVs that has a PrD in the RBD of the S protein that binds to the ACE2 receptor employed for host cell entry. Furthermore, we discovered specific amino acids (Q474, N481, Q493, Q498 and N501) that enable the prionogenity of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD that are not found in the RBD of SARS-CoV, of which Q474, Q498 and N501 directly contact within ACE2."

We are also finding out the vaccine is possibly causing a prion issue:

"Analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease is humans. The RNA sequence in the vaccine [3] contains sequences believed to induce TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion based conformation leading to the development of common neurodegerative diseases. In particular it has been shown that RNA sequences GGUA [4], UG rich sequences [5], UG tandem repeats [6], and G Quadruplex sequences [7], have increased affinity to bind TDP-43 and or FUS and may cause TDP-43 or FUS to take their pathologic configurations in the cytoplasm. In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but sophisticated computer programs are needed to verify these. The spike protein encoded by the vaccine binds angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), an enzyme which contains zinc molecules [8]. The binding of spike protein to ACE2 has the potential to release the zinc molecule, an ion that causes TDP-43 to assume its pathologic prion transformation [9]."

I love this part:

"The Pfizer RNA based COVID-19 vaccine was approved by the US FDA under an emergency use authorization without long term safety data. Because of concerns about the safety of this vaccine a study was performed to determine if the vaccine could potentially induce prion based disease."

Comforting. /s

So back to aliens: They seem to be interested in people, sometimes cattle, but the ones who are really eyeing cattle or I should say the CNS, sex organs, and other various body components high in glycoproteins that may also have misfolded proteins present, are the ones that seem more advanced/interdimensional. Some of the poorer quality ones are likely human black projects.

So it seems like someone is interested in studying humans specifically, the CNS of invertebrates, and glycoproteins/spike proteins, theoretically.


The idea of "to learn something" isn't just that, its to learn something thats applicable, either to us, or to others.

These beings could easily get the job done with a couple dozen people but go look at the numbers of Missing 411.

They are trying to learn something, to prevent something, they are actually here to aid, 100%.

I theorize they know what the biggest hurdle for humanity will be: Prions.

I also theorize they HAVE to reveal themselves because of COVID.

I theorize COVID is a prionogenic immunological virus that will induce prions/alzheimers/neurodegenerative effects in literally everyone who literally has any symptoms, I'm talking even a sniffle or a harsh cough for a day. We do NOT have a fix for this. People talk about "pharma making money", but no one is going to have anything if we don't know what anything is in 10-20 years.

I theorize the CIA was the one who released it intentionally at those Military Games, SPECIFICALLY NOT KNOWING EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, BECAUSE THEY WERE LIED TO, THE CIA HAD BAD INFORMATION, FROM WHOM?, I believe Fauci hid tons of the actual information about covid for many months before someone probably put a fucking gun in his mouth and he told them its prionogenic.

The other thing is MH370, those AID's researchers. Like there is a lot of theories about this but my theory still stands: It was either CIA or the Chinese equivalent who hijacked and rerouted the plane. They were ushered into a secretive meeting were they were told about a supposed future threat (before covid, odd huh? Aliens have been doing the same shit since before COVID, what changed? Oh yea, covid) OR they were told to write down literally every little thing they knew and all their information was pilfered mentally to help engineer this, what happened to these people, who knows, if it was the CIA, those people would be alive with different names, etc, and could never reach out to prior family, but if its the Chinese equivalent, their organless bodies were likely cremated.

Now, this basically boils down to, someone was tinkering with prionogenic capability of viruses in general, this seems like a war tactic, COUGH. Who funded this Chinese lab again? How is not treason? It's almost like SOMETHING SOO BAD IS COMING THAT THE IDEA OF PUTTING FAUCI IN JAIL, OR CALLING OUT TREASONOUS FUNDING IS NOT AN ISSUE AT ALL.

We then have information being released by the CIA/various government sources that there will be some alien information given to the public. We have a guy from like 7 years ago who called the date aliens would arrive here, everything he stated, reminded me of doctors going to Africa to simply try to give medicine/save lives and hopefully don't get fucking slaughtered for being called witches/aliens/etc.

TL;DR: I believe we are in a Prion hell, I don't believe it was intentional in terms of its release, but its production/manufacturing into the prionogenic beast it seems to be, and same goes with its vaccines, it almost seems like there is no fix. I believe the CIA released it without all the information about COVID. Nothing matters going forward, GMC, food issues, treason, etc, its about fixing this prion issue. Aliens have known this for a long, either that we would cause this upon ourselves, or that we would eventually reach this bullshit occurrence.

Anyway, for those wondering, there is hope:

"Research teams led by Vallabh at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Holly Kordasiewicz at Ionis Pharmaceuticals, and Deb Cabin at McLaughlin Research Institute, report the results of preclinical studies of an antisense therapy against prion disease. In this new work, using an expanded set of prion protein -targeting antisense oligonucleotides, the authors have laid the basis for full scale clinical development. This research shows that, across multiple treatment paradigms, reducing levels of prion protein in prion-infected lab animals significantly extends their survival.

Researchers here showed that reducing levels of prion protein can triple the survival of prion-infected animals. Even reducing prion protein levels by a small amount, which should be easier to achieve clinically, resulted in significant survival benefits.

"While there are still many steps ahead," said Vallabh, "these data give us optimism that by aiming straight at the genetic heart of prion disease, genetically targeted drugs designed to lower prion protein levels in the brain may prove effective in the clinic.""

The biggest take away if your a government official reading this: Fauci literally funded a prionogenic monster under the guise of gain of function/etc research, and its been released on the world, and he's faced no consequences. If YOU funded "viral research" in China, and it turned out to be a bioweapon that got released somehow, wouldn't you expect yourself to get in trouble? I've been fired from jobs for talking back to customers, this guy commits treason and look. It's clear something very fucked up is going on, and it doesn't seem like war, etc. Another issue is that due to information compartmentalization, I guarantee you many different people are being kept in the dark about various operations, dark operations or just secretive/hidden operations, etc, so shit's probably soo confusing, everyone is probably missing a piece of the puzzle, EVERYONE, the only people who theoretically are not out of this puzzle: is Fauci, he's a member of the elite groups and I'm pretty sure he's the only scientist amongst their ranks (just assuming), or at least the only one who worked on this monster.

Very coincidental to also remember that Fauci was around during the AID's issue back in the 80's, I am curious of how many of those AID's researcher on MH370 Fauci had sometype of connection with in the past or relationship to. HMM, but I'm just a burnout, I'm sure the smart guys have thought of this already.

The push for A.I is very important in this scenario too, because theoretically, A.I is the only thing that we know of at this moment in time that may be able to provide us an actual answer vs humans trying a bunch of things that don't work.

Shorter TL;DR: Covid is a prion virus. The vaccine induces prions as well. CIA did not know this when released because Fauci lied about the research. Aliens are on their way to help possibly, or kill off everyone with prions like we do with deer with wasting disease. Theoretically, every other end-world scenario sounds better with an instant out versus going 15-30 years and finding out 90% of humanity doesn't know how to wipe their ass anymore.

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