Muhamad Nando Saputro (07) X DG D

 1.Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus

2. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.

3. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

4 . - avoid direct skin contact (touching)

- use a mask

-give a distance of 1-2 meters

- avoid crowds, meetings / jostling

-drink plenty of water every 15 minutes. The cause of the corona virus will be in the human throat for several days. Therefore multiply drinking water so that the coro virus will dissolve and die in stomach acid.

-multiply to drink / eat foods that contain vitamin c. in order to strengthen the body's stamina.

5. spread through small droplets coming out of the nose or mouth when those infected with the virus sneeze or cough.

6. in the elderly will be at risk of death

7. WHO (World Health Organization) is a world health organization that ensures that all people in the world have access to services and this organization is under the auspices of the United Nations.

8. detect

9. - diligently washing hands

- avoid close contact
- stay home
- cover nose and mouth
  if you cough or sneeze
- use a mask if
- diligent cleaning 

10. cough, flu, high fever, shortness of breath

II my opinion a 14 day holiday and at home it can prevent the Corona virus but it's useless if the 14 day vacation time is abused, for example on the 14 day holiday we are advised to stay at home but instead we break it and instead go out, hang out with friends and others so. and that is what causes us to contract the corona virus, and we do not know at that time we were affected by corona so we remain shaking hands with friends, family and even all those who come in contact with us. so that automatically many people will be attacked by corona and the 14-day holiday will be in vain.

2.I Ihink it's useless for the government to do a lock down but the community also does not obey it and there are still many people who still do not want to isolate themselves and therefore need to be given more understanding about what is a corona virus so that people will realize how dangerous the corona virus is

3.actually the government has tried as much as possible so that the goods are not exhausted but many people out there who are selfish so many hoard these items

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