

Silvi Yulia Vita Loka (182040023) - Ajeng pratiwi syabira (182040033)

Conversation 1

Neighbor 1 : every night I saw Joe like waiting for something in the fields near his house, what was he really waiting for?

Neighbor 2 : Joe tells me that he saw a UFO flying in the sky and landed in a field near his house, and every night Joe waited in the field that the UFO would return

Neighbor 1 : is he really crazy, waiting for something that won't happen

Neighbor 2 : Idon't know, but he did

Conversation 2

Joe : hi guys, i wanna tell you something. I saw ufo land on the field near my house.

Friend 1 : ufo? Seriously?

Friend 2 : how is it possible, there's a ufo on earth?

Joe : i mean it. I was also get into it then take me around the earth.

Friend 1 : maybe you dreamed.

Friend 2 : it doesn't make any sense.

Joe : but i really saw it. Ufi is exist. I even got inside of it.

Friend 2 : that's just your imagination.

Conversation 3

Joe : sir, i have a great news, i saw a ufo on the sky.

Police : are you kidding me?

Joe : i am serious sir. I went into it.

Police : i think you're sick. Go home and take some rest.

Joe : no sir, i am not sick.

Police : you'd better go home, now!

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