


Heavenly Father may I not feel upset, angry, or sad for certain girls not liking me. I am original Jeremy. I am valuable. May I not be upset for others not liking me. I am a loving child of God. May I not feel negative of myself. May I be fully content with the person God has made me to be. For there are many beautiful women that think highly of me. There are many valuable people that care about me and have high regard for me. Thank You God for everything. May I be forever blessed. May I never have to be the center of attention. May I always be behind the scenes. May I only be discovered by some. May my peace, love, joy, comfort, and protection last forevermore. I pray the same for my spirit family and God's ultimate kingdom family also. May everything good last an infinite eternities forevermore beyond undyingly. Thank You God Amen.

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