consumer reports best allergy mattress cover

consumer reports best allergy mattress cover

consumer report best mattress 2015

Consumer Reports Best Allergy Mattress Cover


The simplest way to keep allergy symptoms at bay? Avoid exposure to the substances that provoke your sneezing, wheezing, and itchiness. We looked at the research, spoke to leading experts, and reviewed our own product tests to determine what can help and what to skip when you're trying to allergy-proof your home. Read on to find out which of the five following strategies really work. Swathing mattresses, box springs, and pillows in allergen-impermeable covers can entrap dust mites and animal dander as long as you use covers that are made from woven fabrics, according to research studies. Non-woven covers are less durable and won’t protect you from dust mites long-term. Plus, their dimpled surface can allow a variety of allergens to collect there. So before you buy, check product labels for a fabric pore size (the size of openings in the weave) no greater than 6 micrometers or microns, and for words such as “woven fabric.” Washing Bedding in Hot Water Researchers have found that washing bedding in very hot water (in some studies, above 130° F) will kill dust mites—ubiquitous, microscopic creatures that may provoke allergy symptoms.

A hot water wash will also reduce animal dander (tiny skin flecks), another common allergen. But to avoid scalding, two leading organizations for allergy specialists recommend laundering linens at 120° F. Hotter water will kill only a few extra mites, says Jay Portnoy, M.D., division director, allergy/asthma/immunology at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. Many drown in the wash anyway, he notes, and a cycle in a hot dryer should do in the rest. But weekly laundering is a must to keep allergy symptoms at bay. Using a Vacuum With a HEPA Filter Vacuuming regularly can help subdue allergens. Our tests of vacuums found that those with regular filters sucked up similar amounts of dander and dust as those with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. And some, but not all, were just as good as those with HEPA filters at keeping small particles from escaping from the vacuum and blowing back into the air. If you’re the allergy sufferer, give someone else the task of vacuuming.

And avoid bagless vacuums, which can stir up dust when you’re emptying the bin. Air purifiers are available in two configurations: portable models you can move from room to room and whole-house air filters, which can be used only in homes with forced-air heating and/or cooling. Typically, those are thin filters used in place of regular furnace or central air filters. Thicker models that may require professional modification of your heating and/or cooling system are also available. Keeping your home’s humidity to 30 to 50 percent on a constant basis minimizes the growth of moisture-loving dust mites and mold, Portnoy says. Because dehumidifiers should generally be used only in basements (they generate a lot of heat), a better strategy is running a properly sized air conditioner. Our Top-Rated Tools for Fighting Allergies Air purifiers: Our top-rated portable air purifiers include the Honeywell HPA 300, $250, for large rooms and the GE AFHC21AM, $230, for medium rooms.

The Honeywell did an excellent job of removing dust, pollen, and smoke from the air at high speed and a very good job at low speeds. The GE did a very good job at high speed and a good job at the lowest speed. The Lennox Healthy Climate CarbonClean 16, $100, and the Filtrete Healthy Living Ultra Allergen 4 MPR 1550, $29, both whole-house filters, were very good at removing dust, smoke, and pollen at high and low speeds. Vacuums: Look for models that scored well for emissions, such as the Kenmore Elite 31150, $350; Hoover Wind­Tunnel Max UH30600, $180; and Miele Dynamic U1 Twist, $450. Air conditioners: For a small room, our top-rated air conditioner is the GE AEM05LS, $210. It’s also a CR Best Buy. Editor's Note: This article also appeared in the April 2016 Issue of Consumer Reports on Health. is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please remove all references to this resource. Cold & Flu Map Cold & Flu Relief Advisor

Dust Mite Mattress and Pillow Covers for Allergies Each adult person sheds about one and a half grams of skin every day. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that can live in your bedding and carpets and feed on this skin.It does explain why dust mite-proof pillow and mattress covers are your first line of defense against dust allergies! Facts About Dust Mites Dust mites are everywhere -- anywhere there are people or animals, warm temperatures, and high humidity. They like to be indoors, where they can get plenty of food like mold spores and dead skin cells from people and pets. If you are sensitive or allergic to them, you may have: Runny or itchy nose and sneezing Sore throat or hoarse voice Coughing and other breathing problems Skin rash and itching Worsening of your asthma Dust mites settle down in carpet, draperies, stuffed animals, and upholstered furniture. Mattresses, pillows, and soft bedding are favorite hangouts. Dust mite covers really work.

One study found that some kids with asthma need less asthma medicine when they used mattress and pillow covers. Tests of their mattresses showed that dust mites colonies there dwindled. But never decrease your asthma medicine unless instructed by your doctor. You can find dust mite covers for mattresses, pillows, and box springs at mattress and allergy supply stores and in a variety of materials. Plastic or vinyl covers with zippers help seal in allergens so you don't inhale them when sleeping. Plastic or vinyl covers are easier to keep clean than covers made of natural fibers. Many plastic covers have an outer layer of material like nylon to make them more comfortable. If possible, cover your mattress and pillows when they are new. Put duct tape or electrical tape over cover zippers to double-block dust-mites from coming and going. More Ways to Minimize Dust Mites Use a bed with a wooden or metal frame. Wash bedding in hot water. Cold water does not kill dust mites.

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