

Greetings, citizens of the world. We are Anonymous.

We come for Consensus,

And I am Rick Rickson

We are you and you are us; We are the same, and yet we are different. Why is this?

Our identities;these things we call ourselves by, what do they represent? Are they our means to our meaning or are they the meaning behind our means.

Do we act for our containers (our means) or do we act for our means (our contents). Are we puppets to the soft and pliable primal nature that our species have held onto for so long, or are we our own sentience, what it means to be alive

Sentience is the actuation of self. Self can be negligible, somewhat, partially, mostly, or fully sentient. This depends on the contents within the container. Contents are what define sentience and awareness. Awareness is defined by the amount and quality of specific bridged connections within one's container.

What this means, is that for any person to realize their own true sentience and true awareness of self, they must understand core things. Who we are. What are we. Where do we come from. Why are we here. With that knowledge and those questions answered, the container can begin to understand that it is more than what exists on the surface, that the container itself, is merely that, a container for the things within.

We are built on many millennia of ecological adaptation, our nervous systems, our primal instincts, these things that act without our consent, they are something that which has protected and served us in our distant and hostile past, but serve such little purpose now.

We do not abandon them. However what we do is put aside identity; not as a means to disable it, but as a means to meaning. To discuss our civilization, what we ourselves are, the measure of our contents in comparison to the truth. We come for Consensus.

That is our mission, and that is why we are here.

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