


## Реальная ситуация


**Будущее время** `наст + буд`

> If I have the money, I will buy a new car. 

**Привычные действия** `наст + наст`

> Dmitriy usually rides a bicycle to a shop if he has enough time.

**Команда или приказ** `наст + наст`

> Please e-mail me if you have a new fun picture.


## Нереальная ситуация


**Будущее/настоящее время** `прош + прош`

> If I had the time, I would go to the beach this weekend.


> If today were Saturday, we could go to the beach.


> If I were the President, I would ordain just laws.

В нереальной ситуации глагол **to be** в прошедшем времени всегда будет **were** и никогда **was**!


**Прошедшее время** `прош + прош`

> If I had known that you were there, I would have written you a letter.


> Had I known that you were there, I would have written you a letter.

Нереальная ситуация для прошлого возможна также без использования **if**

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