Common mistakes

Common mistakes

⇧Ξ∞ Pεrfεcτ lιƒε sτγlε ∞Ξ⇦

👇Common Mistakes👇

Ask for a thing, not ask a thing.

❌Don't say: She came and asked my book.

✔️Say: She came and asked for my book.

Dispose/get rid of a thing, not dispose/get rid a thing. 

❌Don't say: He'll dispose/get rid all his property.

✔️Say: He'll dispose/get rid of all his property.

Dream of a thing, not dream a thing.

❌Don't say: Young men dream glory and riches.

✔️Say: Young men dream of glory and riches.

Explain to a person, not explain a person.

❌Don't say: She explained me the matter.

✔️Say: She explained the matter to me.

Knock at the door, not knock the door. 

❌Don't say: Who is knocking the door?

✔️Say: Who is knocking at the door?

Listen to a person or thing, not listen a person or thing.

❌Don't say: They were listening the music.

✔️Say: They were listening to the music.

Pay for a thing, not pay a thing.

❌Don't say: How much did you pay the book?

✔️Say: How much did you pay for the book?

Point to or at a person or thing, not point a person or thing.

❌Don't say: He pointed the map on the wall.

✔️Say: He pointed to the map on the wall. 


✔️He pointed at the map on the wall.

Remind a person of something, not remind a person something.

❌Don't say: Please remind me that later.

✔️Say: Please remind me of that later.

Reply to a person, not reply a person.

❌Don't say: She's not replied me yet.

✔️Say: She's not replied to me yet.

Say to a person, not say a person.

❌Don't say: Kevin said me, 'Come tomorrow.'

✔️Say: Kevin said to me, 'Come tomorrow.'

👆Common Mistakes👆

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