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</head><body><div id="bannercontainer"><imgsrc="signature.gif" alt="Stanford University"></a></div><div id="container"><div id="content"><h2>Wireless Visitor Service</h2><h3>Terms and Conditions</h3><p>You are about to log into the Stanford Guest Network, fromwhich you can access email and browse the web. Use of thisnetwork must be in compliance with Stanford AdministrativeGuide 6.2.1 </p><p> </p><p>Note that this network can log network information, so youshould not consider your use of this network to be anonymous.This network has limited bandwidth capacity and limitedinternet services so that, for example, file-sharing and otherresource-intensive services will not be functional.</p><center><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></div></div><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1252"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><title>Stanford Wireless Visitor Service</title>

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<div onClick="openClose('a1')" style="cursor:hand; cursor:pointer"><b>Read the Stanford Administrative Guide 6.2.1 Computer and Network Usage Policy</b></div><div id="a1" class="texter">

<div id="content-body" class="row-fluid content-body"><div class="region region-content clearfix"><small><div id="block-system-main" class="clearfix block block-system">Thispolicy covers the appropriate use of all information resourcesincluding computers, networks, and the information containedtherein.<div class="content"><div id="node-3857" class="node node-policy-documentclearfix" about="/chapter-6/subchapter-2/policy-6-2-1"typeof="sioc:Item foaf:Document"><div class="content"><div class="field field-name-bodyfield-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"property="content:encoded"> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-policy-authorityfield-type-text-long field-label-above"><p></p><div class="field-label">Authority:&nbsp;</div><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Approved by the President.</p></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-policy-applicabilityfield-type-text-long field-label-above"><div class="field-label">Applicability:&nbsp;</div><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Applies to all University students, faculty andstaff, and all others using computer andcommunication technologies, including theUniversity's network, whether personally orUniversity owned, which access, transmit orstore University or student information.</p></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-policy-statementfield-type-text-long field-label-above"><div class="field-label">Policy Statement:&nbsp;</div><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Use of Stanford's network and computerresources should support the basic missions ofthe University in teaching, learning andresearch. Users of Stanford network and computerresources ("users") are responsible to properlyuse and protect information resources and torespect the rights of others. This policyprovides guidelines for the appropriate use ofinformation resources.</p></div></div></div><a name="anchor-24167"></a><div class="policy-subsection-containerpolicy-subection-container-24167"><h2 class="policy-subsection-title" id="definitions"><small><spanclass="prefix-container">1. </span>Definitions</small></h2><div class="policy-subsection-body"><p>As used in this policy:<br><strong>a. </strong>"Information resources" areall computer and communication devices and othertechnologies which access, store or transmitUniversity or student information.<br><strong>b.</strong> "Information" includes bothUniversity and student information.</p></div></div><a name="anchor-24169"></a><div class="policy-subsection-containerpolicy-subection-container-24169"><h2 class="policy-subsection-title" id="policies"><small><spanclass="prefix-container">2. </span>Policies</small></h2><div class="policy-subsection-body"><p><strong>a. General Policy</strong><br>Users of University information resources mustprotect (i) their online identity from use byanother individual, (ii) the integrity ofcomputer-based information resources, and (iii)the privacy of electronic information. Inaddition, users must refrain from seeking to gainunauthorized access, honor all copyrights andlicenses and respect the rights of otherinformation resources.</p><p><strong>b. Access</strong><br>Users must refrain from seeking to gainunauthorized access to information resources orenabling unauthorized access. Attempts to gainunauthorized access to a system or to anotherperson's information are a violation of Universitypolicy and may also violate applicable law,potentially subjecting the user to both civil andcriminal liability. However, authorized systemadministrators may access information resources,but only for a legitimate operational purpose andonly the minimum access required to accomplishthis legitimate operational purpose.</p><p><strong>(1) Prohibition against Sharing User IDsand Passwords</strong><br>Sharing an online identity (user ID and/orpassword) violates University policy.<br><strong>(2) Information Belonging to Others</strong><br>Users must not intentionally seek or provideinformation on, obtain copies of, or modify datafiles, programs, passwords or other digitalmaterials belonging to other users, without thespecific permission of those other users.<br><strong>(3) Abuse of Computing Privileges</strong><br>Users of University information resources must notaccess computers, computer software, computer dataor information, or networks without properauthorization, or intentionally enable others todo so, regardless of whether the computer,software, data, information, or network inquestion is owned by the University. For example,abuse of the networks to which the Universitybelongs or the computers at other sites connectedto those networks will be treated as an abuse ofUniversity computing privileges.</p><p><strong>c. Usage</strong><br>The University is a non-profit, tax-exemptorganization and, as such, is subject to specificfederal, state and local laws regarding sources ofincome, political activities, use of property andsimilar matters. It also is a contractor withgovernment and other entities and thus must assureproper use of property under its control andallocation of overhead and similar costs. Use ofthe University's information resources must complywith University policies and legal obligations(including licenses and contracts), and allfederal and state laws.</p><p><strong>(1) Prohibited Use</strong><br>Users must not send, view or download fraudulent,harassing, obscene (i.e., pornographic),threatening, or other messages or material thatare a violation of applicable law or Universitypolicy. In particular, contributing to thecreation of a hostile academic or work environmentis prohibited.<br><strong>(2) Copyrights and Licenses</strong><br>Users must not violate copyright law and mustrespect licenses to copyrighted materials. For theavoidance of doubt, unlawful file-sharing usingthe University's information resources is aviolation of this policy.<br><strong>(3) Social Media</strong><br>Users must respect the purpose of and abide by theterms of use of online media forums, includingsocial networking websites, mailing lists, chatrooms and blogs.<br><strong>(4) Political Use</strong><br>University information resources must not be usedfor partisan political activities where prohibitedby federal, state or other applicable laws, andmay be used for other political activities onlywhen in compliance with federal, state and otherlaws and in compliance with applicable Universitypolicies.<br><strong>(5) Personal Use</strong><br>University information resources should not beused for activities unrelated to appropriateUniversity functions, except in a purelyincidental manner.<br><strong>(6) Commercial Use</strong><br>University information resources should not beused for commercial purposes, includingadvertisements, solicitations, promotions or othercommercial messages, except as permitted underUniversity policy. Any such permitted commercialuse should be properly related to Universityactivities, take into account proper costallocations for government and other overheaddeterminations, and provide for appropriatereimbursement to the University for taxes andother costs the University may incur by reason ofthe commercial use. The University's ChiefFinancial Officer and Vice President for BusinessAffairs will determine permitted commercial uses.<br><strong>(7) Use of University Information</strong><br>Users must abide by applicable data storage andtransmission policies, including Admin Guide 6.3.1(Information Security). Consult the UniversityPrivacy Officer ( more information.</p><p><strong>d. Integrity of Information Resources</strong><br>Users must respect the integrity of informationand information resources.</p><p><strong>(1) Modification or Removal ofInformation or Information Resources</strong><br>Unless they have proper authorization, users mustnot attempt to modify or remove information orinformation resources that are owned or used byothers.<br><strong>(2) Other Prohibited Activities</strong><br>Users must not encroach, disrupt or otherwiseinterfere with access or use of the University'sinformation or information resources. For theavoidance of doubt, without express permission,users must not give away University information orsend bulk unsolicited email. In addition, usersmust not engage in other activities that damage,vandalize or otherwise compromise the integrity ofUniversity information or information resources.<br><strong>(3) Academic Pursuits</strong><br>The University recognizes the value of legitimateresearch projects undertaken by faculty andstudents under faculty supervision. The Universitymay restrict such activities in order to protectUniversity and individual information andinformation resources, but in doing so will takeinto account legitimate academic pursuits.</p><p><strong>e. Locally Defined and ExternalConditions of Use</strong><br>Individual units within the University may define"conditions of use" for information resourcesunder their control. These statements must beconsistent with this overall policy but mayprovide additional detail, guidelinesrestrictions, and/or enforcement mechanisms. Wheresuch conditions of use exist, the individual unitsare responsible for publicizing and enforcing boththe conditions of use and this policy. Where useof external networks is involved, policiesgoverning such use also are applicable and must befollowed.</p><p><strong>f. Access for Legal and UniversityProcesses</strong><br>Under some circumstances, as a result ofinvestigations, subpoenas or lawsuits, theUniversity may be required by law to provideelectronic or other records, or informationrelated to those records or relating to use ofinformation resources, ("information records") tothird parties. Additionally, the University may inits reasonable discretion review informationrecords, e.g., for the proper functioning of theUniversity, in connection with investigations, orto protect the safety of individuals or theStanford community. The University may also permitreasonable access to data to third-party serviceproviders in order to provide, maintain or improveservices to the University. Accordingly, users ofUniversity information resources do not have areasonable expectation of privacy when using theUniversity's information resources.</p></div></div><a name="anchor-24171"></a><div class="policy-subsection-containerpolicy-subection-container-24171"><h2 class="policy-subsection-title"id="oversight-of-information-resources"><small><spanclass="prefix-container">3. </span>Oversight ofInformation Resources</small></h2><div class="policy-subsection-body"><p>Responsibility for, and management and operationof, information resources is delegated to the headof a specific subdivision of the Universitygovernance structure ("department"), such as aDean, Department Chair, Administrative Departmenthead, or Principal Investigator ("lead"). Thisperson will be responsible for compliance with allUniversity policies relating to the use ofinformation resources owned, used or otherwiseresiding in their department.</p><p>The lead may designate another person to manageand operate the system, but responsibility forinformation resources remains with the lead. Thisdesignate is the "system administrator."</p><p>The system administrator is responsible formanaging and operating information resources undertheir oversight in compliance with University anddepartment policies, including accessinginformation resources necessary to maintainoperation of the systems under the care of thesystem administrator. (See also, section 4.b;system administrators should defer to theInformation Security Office for access beyond thatnecessary to maintain operation of the system.)</p><p><strong>a. Responsibilities</strong><br>The system administrator should:</p><ul><li>Take all appropriate actions to protect thesecurity of information and informationresources. Applicable guidelines are found at</li><li>Take precautions against theft of or damage toinformation resources.</li><li>Faithfully execute all licensing agreementsapplicable to information resources.</li><li>Communicate this policy, and other applicableinformation use, security and privacy policiesand procedures to their information resourceusers.</li><li>Cooperate with Information Security Office tofind and correct problems caused by the use ofthe system under their control.</li></ul><p><strong>b. Suspension of Privileges</strong><br>System administrators may temporarily suspendaccess to information resource if they believe itis necessary or appropriate to maintain theintegrity of the information resources under theiroversight.</p></div></div><a name="anchor-24173"></a><div class="policy-subsection-containerpolicy-subection-container-24173"><h2 class="policy-subsection-title"id="reporting-or-investigating-violations-or-university-concerns"><small><spanclass="prefix-container">4. </span>Reporting orInvestigating Violations or University Concerns</small></h2><div class="policy-subsection-body"><p><strong>a. Reporting Violations</strong><br>System users will report violations of this policyto the Information Security Office, and willimmediately report defects in system accounting,concerns with system security, or suspectedunlawful or improper system activities to theInformation Security Office during normal businesshours and the Office of the General Counselemergency after-hours phone line at other times.</p><p><strong>b. Accessing Information &amp; Systems</strong><br>Inspecting and monitoring information andinformation resources may be required for thepurposes of enforcing this policy, conductingUniversity investigations, ensuring the safety ofan individual or the University community,complying with law or ensuring proper operation ofinformation resources. Only the University's ChiefInformation Security Officer (or designate) mayauthorize this inspection and monitoring.</p><p><strong>c. Cooperation Expected</strong><br>Information resource users are expected tocooperate with any investigation of policy abuse.Failure to cooperate may be grounds forcancellation of access privileges, or otherdisciplinary actions.</p></div></div><a name="anchor-24175"></a><div class="policy-subsection-containerpolicy-subection-container-24175"><h2 class="policy-subsection-title"id="consequences-of-misuse-of-information-resources"><small><spanclass="prefix-container">5. </span>Consequencesof Misuse of Information Resources</small></h2><div class="policy-subsection-body"><p>A user found to have violated this policy mayalso have violated the University Code of Conduct,the Fundamental Standard, the Student Honor Code,and/or other University policies, and will besubject to appropriate disciplinary action up toand including discharge, dismissal, expulsion,and/or legal action. The Chief InformationSecurity Officer will refer violations toUniversity units, i.e., Student Affairs forstudents, the supervisor for staff, and the Deanof the relevant School for faculty or otherteaching or research personnel, if appropriate.</p></div></div><a name="anchor-24177"></a><div class="policy-subsection-containerpolicy-subection-container-24177"><h2 class="policy-subsection-title"id="cognizant-office"><small><spanclass="prefix-container">6. </span>CognizantOffice</small></h2><div class="policy-subsection-body"><p>University's Chief Information Security Officer,or other person designated by the Vice Presidentfor Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer,shall be the primary contact for theinterpretation, monitoring and enforcement of thispolicy.</p></small><br /><br /></div></div><!--###########################--><!--END admin guide text--><!--###########################-->


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