

 * A Script Redesigned by Parveen Bhadoo from GOIndex at

// add multiple serviceaccounts as {}, {}, {}, random account will be selected by each time app is opened.
const serviceaccounts = [
const randomserviceaccount = serviceaccounts[Math.floor(Math.random()*serviceaccounts.length)];

const authConfig = {
    "siteName": "JAFFAonefour", // Website name
    "client_id": "", // Client id from Google Cloud Console
    "client_secret": "ZNPZ-vS6N9Zjsyb_sNMZmXHL", // Client Secret from Google Cloud Console
    "refresh_token": "1//0gsoUMpsbgtM-CgYIARAAGBASNgF-L9IrxIjr3c1PUX73E7WZnEqziFPAYbPtGrqYc38xYymm1kBIEWasWt_pqngc47H_RcHfEw", // Authorize token
    "service_account": false, // true if you're using Service Account instead of user account
    "service_account_json": randomserviceaccount, // appropriate values for SA, more in ReadMe file
    "files_list_page_size": 50,
    "search_result_list_page_size": 50,
    "enable_cors_file_down": false,
    "enable_password_file_verify": false,
          "id": "0AOR4PakRyMkZUk9PVA",
          "name": "Drive One",
          "protect_file_link": false,
         // "auth": {"username":"password"} // Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection
          "id": "root",
          "name": "Drive Two",
          "protect_file_link": false,
         // "auth": {"username":"password"} // Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection
const uiConfig = {
    "theme": "dark", // switch between themes, default set to dark, select from
    "version": "2.0.17-alpha.3", // don't touch this one. get latest code using generator at
    // If you're using Image then set to true, If you want text then set it to false
    "logo_image": true, // true if you're using image link in next option.
    "logo_height": "", // only if logo_image is true
    "logo_width": "100px", // only if logo_image is true
    // if logo is true then link otherwise just text for name
    "logo_link_name": "",
    "fixed_header": false, // If you want the header to be flexible or fixed.
    "contact_link": "", // Link to Contact Button on Menu
    "copyright_year": "2050", // year of copyright, can be anything like 2015 - 2020 or just 2020
    "company_name": "Bhadoo Cloud", // Name next to copyright
    "company_link": "", // link of copyright name
    "credit": true, // Set this to true to give us credit
    "display_size": true, // Set this to false to hide display file size
    "display_time": false, // Set this to false to hide display modified time for folder and files
    "disable_player": false, // Set this to true to hide audio and video players
    "poster": "", // Video poster URL or see Readme to how to load from Drive
    "audioposter": "", // Video poster URL or see Readme to how to load from Drive
    "jsdelivr_cdn_src": "", // If Project is Forked, then enter your Github repo
    "render_head_md": true, // Render
    "render_readme_md": true, // Render
    "display_drive_link": false, // This will add a Link Button to Google Drive of that particular file.
    "plyr_io_version": "3.6.4", // Change version in future when needed.
    "unauthorized_owner_link": "", // Unauthorized Error Page Link to Owner
    "unauthorized_owner_email": "", // Unauthorized Error Page Owner Email
    "enable_arc": true, // If you want to use
    "arc_code": "jfoY2h19" // Integraion Code, get yours from

const FUNCS = {
    formatSearchKeyword: function(keyword) {
        let nothing = "";
        let space = " ";
        if (!keyword) return nothing;
        return keyword.replace(/(!=)|['"=<>/\\:]/g, nothing)
            .replace(/[,,|(){}]/g, space)


const CONSTS = new(class {
    default_file_fields = 'parents,id,name,mimeType,modifiedTime,createdTime,fileExtension,size';
    gd_root_type = {
        user_drive: 0,
        share_drive: 1,
        sub_folder: 2
    folder_mime_type = 'application/';

const JWT = {
  header: {
    alg: 'RS256',
    typ: 'JWT'
  importKey: async function(pemKey) {
    var pemDER = this.textUtils.base64ToArrayBuffer(pemKey.split('\n').map(s => s.trim()).filter(l => l.length && !l.startsWith('---')).join(''));
    return crypto.subtle.importKey('pkcs8', pemDER, { name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', hash: 'SHA-256' }, false, ['sign']);
  createSignature: async function(text, key) {
    const textBuffer = this.textUtils.stringToArrayBuffer(text);
    return crypto.subtle.sign('RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', key, textBuffer)
  generateGCPToken: async function(serviceAccount) {
    const iat = parseInt(;
    var payload = {
      "iss": serviceAccount.client_email,
      "scope": "",
      "aud": "",
      "exp": iat+3600,
      "iat": iat
    const encPayload = btoa(JSON.stringify(payload));
    const encHeader = btoa(JSON.stringify(this.header));
    var key = await this.importKey(serviceAccount.private_key);
    var signed = await this.createSignature(encHeader+"."+encPayload, key);
    return encHeader+"."+encPayload+"."+this.textUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(signed).replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\+/g, '-');
  textUtils: {
    base64ToArrayBuffer: function(base64) {
      var binary_string = atob(base64);
      var len = binary_string.length;
      var bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
      return bytes.buffer;
    stringToArrayBuffer: function(str){
      var len = str.length;
      var bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        bytes[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
      return bytes.buffer;
    arrayBufferToBase64: function(buffer) {
      let binary = '';
      let bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
      let len = bytes.byteLength;
      for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
      return btoa(binary);
var gds = [];

function html(current_drive_order = 0, model = {}) {
    return `<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/>
  ${uiConfig.enable_arc ? '<script async src="': '<!--'}${uiConfig.arc_code}${uiConfig.enable_arc ? '"></script>': '-->'}
  <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
  <link rel="icon" href="${uiConfig.jsdelivr_cdn_src}@${uiConfig.version}/images/favicon.ico">
    window.drive_names = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify( =>}');
    window.MODEL = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(model)}');
    window.current_drive_order = ${current_drive_order};
    window.UI = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(uiConfig)}');
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="${uiConfig.jsdelivr_cdn_src}@${uiConfig.version}/css/style.min.css">
  <script src=""></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="${uiConfig.plyr_io_version}/plyr.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="${uiConfig.jsdelivr_cdn_src}@${uiConfig.version}/css/bootstrap/${uiConfig.theme}/bootstrap.min.css">
  <style>${uiConfig.display_size ? '' : '.csize{display:none;}'}${uiConfig.display_time ? '' : '.cmtime{display:none;}'}</style>
  <script src="${uiConfig.jsdelivr_cdn_src}@${uiConfig.version}/js/app.min.js"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="" integrity="sha384-b/U6ypiBEHpOf/4+1nzFpr53nxSS+GLCkfwBdFNTxtclqqenISfwAzpKaMNFNmj4" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="${uiConfig.plyr_io_version}/plyr.polyfilled.js"></script>

const unauthorized = `<html>
<head><title>401 Unauthorized</title></head>
<center><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></center>
<center>Please contact <a href="${uiConfig.unauthorized_owner_link}">Site Owner</a> at ${uiConfig.unauthorized_owner_email}</center>

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
    if (gds.length === 0) {
        for (let i = 0; i < authConfig.roots.length; i++) {
            const gd = new googleDrive(authConfig, i);
            await gd.init();
        let tasks = [];
        gds.forEach(gd => {
        for (let task of tasks) {
            await task;

    let gd;
    let url = new URL(request.url);
    let path = url.pathname;

    function redirectToIndexPage() {
        return new Response('', {
            status: 301,
            headers: {
                'Location': `${url.origin}/0:/`

    if (path == '/') return redirectToIndexPage();
    if (path.toLowerCase() == '/arc-sw.js'){
        return fetch("")
    else if (path.toLowerCase() == '/admin') {
        return Response.redirect("", 301)
    else if (path.toLowerCase() == '/update') {
        return Response.redirect("", 301)

    const command_reg = /^\/(?<num>\d+):(?<command>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\/.*)?$/g;
    const match = command_reg.exec(path);
    if (match) {
        const num = match.groups.num;
        const order = Number(num);
        if (order >= 0 && order < gds.length) {
            gd = gds[order];
        } else {
            return redirectToIndexPage()
        for (const r = gd.basicAuthResponse(request); r;) return r;
        const command = match.groups.command;
        if (command === 'search') {
            if (request.method === 'POST') {
                return handleSearch(request, gd);
            } else {
                const params = url.searchParams;
                return new Response(html(gd.order, {
                    q: params.get("q") || '',
                    is_search_page: true,
                    root_type: gd.root_type
                }), {
                    status: 200,
                    headers: {
                        'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
        } else if (command === 'id2path' && request.method === 'POST') {
            return handleId2Path(request, gd)

    const common_reg = /^\/\d+:\/.*$/g;
    try {
        if (!path.match(common_reg)) {
            return redirectToIndexPage();
        let split = path.split("/");
        let order = Number(split[1].slice(0, -1));
        if (order >= 0 && order < gds.length) {
            gd = gds[order];
        } else {
            return redirectToIndexPage()
    } catch (e) {
        return redirectToIndexPage()

    const basic_auth_res = gd.basicAuthResponse(request);

    path = path.replace(gd.url_path_prefix, '') || '/';
    if (request.method == 'POST') {
        return basic_auth_res || apiRequest(request, gd);

    let action = url.searchParams.get('a');

    if (path.substr(-1) == '/' || action != null) {
        return basic_auth_res || new Response(html(gd.order, {
            root_type: gd.root_type
        }), {
            status: 200,
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
    } else {
        if (path.split('/').pop().toLowerCase() == ".password") {
            return basic_auth_res || new Response("", {
                status: 404
        let file = await gd.file(path);
        let range = request.headers.get('Range');
        const inline_down = 'true' === url.searchParams.get('inline');
        if (gd.root.protect_file_link && basic_auth_res) return basic_auth_res;
        return gd.down(, range, inline_down);

async function apiRequest(request, gd) {
    let url = new URL(request.url);
    let path = url.pathname;
    path = path.replace(gd.url_path_prefix, '') || '/';

    let option = {
        status: 200,
        headers: {
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

    if (path.substr(-1) == '/') {
        let form = await request.formData();
        let deferred_list_result = gd.list(path, form.get('page_token'), Number(form.get('page_index')));

        if (authConfig['enable_password_file_verify']) {
            let password = await gd.password(path);
            // console.log("dir password", password);
            if (password && password.replace("\n", "") !== form.get('password')) {
                let html = `{"error": {"code": 401,"message": "password error."}}`;
                return new Response(html, option);

        let list_result = await deferred_list_result;
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(list_result), option);
    } else {
        let file = await gd.file(path);
        let range = request.headers.get('Range');
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(file));

async function handleSearch(request, gd) {
    const option = {
        status: 200,
        headers: {
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
    let form = await request.formData();
    let search_result = await'q') || '', form.get('page_token'), Number(form.get('page_index')));
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(search_result), option);

async function handleId2Path(request, gd) {
    const option = {
        status: 200,
        headers: {
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
    let form = await request.formData();
    let path = await gd.findPathById(form.get('id'));
    return new Response(path || '', option);

class googleDrive {
    constructor(authConfig, order) {
        this.order = order;
        this.root = authConfig.roots[order];
        this.root.protect_file_link = this.root.protect_file_link || false;
        this.url_path_prefix = `/${order}:`;
        this.authConfig = authConfig;
        this.paths = [];
        this.files = [];
        this.passwords = [];
        this.id_path_cache = {};
        this.id_path_cache[this.root['id']] = '/';
        this.paths["/"] = this.root['id'];
    async init() {
        await this.accessToken();
        if (authConfig.user_drive_real_root_id) return;
        const root_obj = await (gds[0] || this).findItemById('root');
        if (root_obj && {
            authConfig.user_drive_real_root_id =

    async initRootType() {
        const root_id = this.root['id'];
        const types = CONSTS.gd_root_type;
        if (root_id === 'root' || root_id === authConfig.user_drive_real_root_id) {
            this.root_type = types.user_drive;
        } else {
            const obj = await this.getShareDriveObjById(root_id);
            this.root_type = obj ? types.share_drive : types.sub_folder;

    basicAuthResponse(request) {
        const auth = this.root.auth || '',
          _401 = new Response(unauthorized, {
                headers: {
                    'WWW-Authenticate': `Basic realm="goindex:drive:${this.order}"`,
                    'content-type': 'text/html;charset=UTF-8'
                status: 401
        if (auth) {
            const _auth = request.headers.get('Authorization')
            if (_auth) {
               const [received_user, received_pass] = atob(_auth.split(' ').pop()).split(':');
                if (auth.hasOwnProperty(received_user)) {
                    if (auth[received_user] == received_pass) {
                    return null;
                    } else return _401;
                } else return _401;
        } else return null;
        return _401;

    async down(id, range = '', inline = false) {
        let url = `${id}?alt=media`;
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        requestOption.headers['Range'] = range;
        let res = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        if (res.ok) {
          const {
          } = res = new Response(res.body, res)
          this.authConfig.enable_cors_file_down && headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
          inline === true && headers.set('Content-Disposition', 'inline');
          return res;
        } else {
          const res = await fetch(`${uiConfig.jsdelivr_cdn_src}@${uiConfig.version}/assets/DownloadError.html`);
          return new Response(await res.text(), {
            headers: {
              "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",

    async file(path) {
        if (typeof this.files[path] == 'undefined') {
            this.files[path] = await this._file(path);
        return this.files[path];

    async _file(path) {
        let arr = path.split('/');
        let name = arr.pop();
        name = decodeURIComponent(name).replace(/\'/g, "\\'");
        let dir = arr.join('/') + '/';
        // console.log(name, dir);
        let parent = await this.findPathId(dir);
        // console.log(parent);
        let url = '';
        let params = {
            'includeItemsFromAllDrives': true,
            'supportsAllDrives': true
        params.q = `'${parent}' in parents and name = '${name}' and trashed = false`;
        params.fields = "files(id, name, mimeType, size ,createdTime, modifiedTime, iconLink, thumbnailLink)";
        url += '?' + this.enQuery(params);
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        let response = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        let obj = await response.json();
        // console.log(obj);
        return obj.files[0];

    async list(path, page_token = null, page_index = 0) {
        if (this.path_children_cache == undefined) {
            // { <path> :[ {nextPageToken:'',data:{}}, {nextPageToken:'',data:{}} ...], ...}
            this.path_children_cache = {};

        if (this.path_children_cache[path] &&
            this.path_children_cache[path][page_index] &&
        ) {
            let child_obj = this.path_children_cache[path][page_index];
            return {
                nextPageToken: child_obj.nextPageToken || null,
                curPageIndex: page_index,

        let id = await this.findPathId(path);
        let result = await this._ls(id, page_token, page_index);
        let data =;
        if (result.nextPageToken && data.files) {
            if (!Array.isArray(this.path_children_cache[path])) {
                this.path_children_cache[path] = []
            this.path_children_cache[path][Number(result.curPageIndex)] = {
                nextPageToken: result.nextPageToken,
                data: data

        return result

    async _ls(parent, page_token = null, page_index = 0) {

        if (parent == undefined) {
            return null;
        let obj;
        let params = {
            'includeItemsFromAllDrives': true,
            'supportsAllDrives': true
        params.q = `'${parent}' in parents and trashed = false AND name !='.password'`;
        params.orderBy = 'folder,modifiedTime desc,name';
        params.fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType, size , modifiedTime)";
        params.pageSize = this.authConfig.files_list_page_size;

        if (page_token) {
            params.pageToken = page_token;
        let url = '';
        url += '?' + this.enQuery(params);
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        let response = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        obj = await response.json();

        return {
            nextPageToken: obj.nextPageToken || null,
            curPageIndex: page_index,
            data: obj

    async password(path) {
        if (this.passwords[path] !== undefined) {
            return this.passwords[path];

        let file = await this.file(path + '.password');
        if (file == undefined) {
            this.passwords[path] = null;
        } else {
            let url = `${}?alt=media`;
            let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
            let response = await this.fetch200(url, requestOption);
            this.passwords[path] = await response.text();

        return this.passwords[path];

    async getShareDriveObjById(any_id) {
        if (!any_id) return null;
        if ('string' !== typeof any_id) return null;

        let url = `${any_id}`;
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        let res = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        let obj = await res.json();
        if (obj && return obj;

        return null

    async search(origin_keyword, page_token = null, page_index = 0) {
        const types = CONSTS.gd_root_type;
        const is_user_drive = this.root_type === types.user_drive;
        const is_share_drive = this.root_type === types.share_drive;

        const empty_result = {
            nextPageToken: null,
            curPageIndex: page_index,
            data: null

        if (!is_user_drive && !is_share_drive) {
            return empty_result;
        let keyword = FUNCS.formatSearchKeyword(origin_keyword);
        if (!keyword) {
            return empty_result;
        let words = keyword.split(/\s+/);
        let name_search_str = `name contains '${words.join("' AND name contains '")}'`;
        let params = {};
        if (is_user_drive) {
            params.corpora = 'user'
        if (is_share_drive) {
            params.corpora = 'drive';
            params.driveId =;
            params.includeItemsFromAllDrives = true;
            params.supportsAllDrives = true;
        if (page_token) {
            params.pageToken = page_token;
        params.q = `trashed = false AND name !='.password' AND (${name_search_str})`;
        params.fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType, size , modifiedTime)";
        params.pageSize = this.authConfig.search_result_list_page_size;
        params.orderBy = 'folder,modifiedTime desc,name';

        let url = '';
        url += '?' + this.enQuery(params);
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        let response = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        let res_obj = await response.json();

        return {
            nextPageToken: res_obj.nextPageToken || null,
            curPageIndex: page_index,
            data: res_obj
    async findParentFilesRecursion(child_id, contain_myself = true) {
        const gd = this;
        const gd_root_id =;
        const user_drive_real_root_id = authConfig.user_drive_real_root_id;
        const is_user_drive = gd.root_type === CONSTS.gd_root_type.user_drive;
        const target_top_id = is_user_drive ? user_drive_real_root_id : gd_root_id;
        const fields = CONSTS.default_file_fields;
        const parent_files = [];
        let meet_top = false;

        async function addItsFirstParent(file_obj) {
            if (!file_obj) return;
            if (!file_obj.parents) return;
            if (file_obj.parents.length < 1) return;
            let p_ids = file_obj.parents;
            if (p_ids && p_ids.length > 0) {
                const first_p_id = p_ids[0];
                if (first_p_id === target_top_id) {
                    meet_top = true;
                const p_file_obj = await gd.findItemById(first_p_id);
                if (p_file_obj && {
                    await addItsFirstParent(p_file_obj);

        const child_obj = await gd.findItemById(child_id);
        if (contain_myself) {
        await addItsFirstParent(child_obj);

        return meet_top ? parent_files : null

    async findPathById(child_id) {
        if (this.id_path_cache[child_id]) {
            return this.id_path_cache[child_id];

        const p_files = await this.findParentFilesRecursion(child_id);
        if (!p_files || p_files.length < 1) return '';

        let cache = [];
        // Cache the path and id of each level found
        p_files.forEach((value, idx) => {
            const is_folder = idx === 0 ? (p_files[idx].mimeType === CONSTS.folder_mime_type) : true;
            let path = '/' + p_files.slice(idx).map(it =>'/');
            if (is_folder) path += '/';
                id: p_files[idx].id,
                path: path

        cache.forEach((obj) => {
            this.id_path_cache[] = obj.path;
            this.paths[obj.path] =
        return cache[0].path;

    async findItemById(id) {
        const is_user_drive = this.root_type === CONSTS.gd_root_type.user_drive;
        let url = `${id}?fields=${CONSTS.default_file_fields}${is_user_drive ? '' : '&supportsAllDrives=true'}`;
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        let res = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        return await res.json()

    async findPathId(path) {
        let c_path = '/';
        let c_id = this.paths[c_path];

        let arr = path.trim('/').split('/');
        for (let name of arr) {
            c_path += name + '/';

            if (typeof this.paths[c_path] == 'undefined') {
                let id = await this._findDirId(c_id, name);
                this.paths[c_path] = id;

            c_id = this.paths[c_path];
            if (c_id == undefined || c_id == null) {
        return this.paths[path];

    async _findDirId(parent, name) {
        name = decodeURIComponent(name).replace(/\'/g, "\\'");
        if (parent == undefined) {
            return null;

        let url = '';
        let params = {
            'includeItemsFromAllDrives': true,
            'supportsAllDrives': true
        params.q = `'${parent}' in parents and mimeType = 'application/' and name = '${name}'  and trashed = false`;
        params.fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType)";
        url += '?' + this.enQuery(params);
        let requestOption = await this.requestOption();
        let response = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        let obj = await response.json();
        if (obj.files[0] == undefined) {
            return null;
        return obj.files[0].id;

    async accessToken() {
        if (this.authConfig.expires == undefined || this.authConfig.expires < {
            const obj = await this.fetchAccessToken();
            if (obj.access_token != undefined) {
                this.authConfig.accessToken = obj.access_token;
                this.authConfig.expires = + 3500 * 1000;
        return this.authConfig.accessToken;

    async fetchAccessToken() {
        const url = "";
        const headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        var post_data;
        if(this.authConfig.service_account && typeof this.authConfig.service_account_json != "undefined")
        const jwttoken = await JWT.generateGCPToken(this.authConfig.service_account_json);
        post_data = {
            grant_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer',
            assertion: jwttoken,
        } else {
        post_data = {
            client_id: this.authConfig.client_id,
            client_secret: this.authConfig.client_secret,
            refresh_token: this.authConfig.refresh_token,
            grant_type: "refresh_token",

        let requestOption = {
            'method': 'POST',
            'headers': headers,
            'body': this.enQuery(post_data)

        const response = await fetch(url, requestOption);
        return await response.json();

    async fetch200(url, requestOption) {
        let response;
        for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            response = await fetch(url, requestOption);
            if (response.status != 403) {
            await this.sleep(800 * (i + 1));
        return response;

    async requestOption(headers = {}, method = 'GET') {
        const accessToken = await this.accessToken();
        headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + accessToken;
        return {
            'method': method,
            'headers': headers

    enQuery(data) {
        const ret = [];
        for (let d in data) {
            ret.push(encodeURIComponent(d) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[d]));
        return ret.join('&');

    sleep(ms) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            let i = 0;
            setTimeout(function() {
                console.log('sleep' + ms);
                if (i >= 2) reject(new Error('i>=2'));
                else resolve(i);
            }, ms);

String.prototype.trim = function(char) {
    if (char) {
        return this.replace(new RegExp('^\\' + char + '+|\\' + char + '+$', 'g'), '');
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

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