


You can clip a small portion of a video or live stream and share it with others on social channels or via direct communications, like email or text. Clips are public and can be watched by anyone with access to the clip who can also watch the original video. You can find clips you made and clips made on your videos in the Your Clips library page. Video creators can manage clips made on their videos in YouTube Studio.

Truss clips are metal connectors used to attach trusses to walls and other supporting members to resist uplift forces and strengthen connections. These connectors come in a variety of options for a range of requirements from truss clips for alignment control between roof trusses and nonbearing walls to heavy-duty truss clips for high-load projects.



Since their introduction in 1968, more than 2 million Yasargil aneurysm clips have been implanted worldwide. All Yasargil aneurysm clips are manufactured at Aesculap facilities in Tuttlingen, Germany under the control of experienced and knowledgeable craftsmen. Aesculap offers more aneurysm clip patterns than any other vendor (more than 55 aneurysm clip appliers and more than 320 temporary and permanent aneurysm clip designs), making treatment of challenging aneurysm shapes and sizes possible.

All Aesculap aneurysm clips are supplied sterile and ready to use. Aneurysm clip trays (full and half-size) with press-in identification tags make aneurysm clip transport, storage and sterilization easy.

The AVM Microclips are offered in a complete line of straight and curved patterns in a variety of blade lengths. These clips may be applied for temporary occlusion or as a permanent implant. All clips are supplied sterile and are available in MRI-Safe, on-ferromagnetic Phynox. AVM clips appliers are also available in XS and standard designs.

AVM Micro Clips are designed clips for the microsurgical treatment of angiomas. They exert a pre-defined closing force of between 50 to 70 grams and feature a special pyramid-shaped structure stamped on the inner blade surfaces. This surface structure allows the tissue to sink in between the pyramid shapes and thus doubles the contact surface for the tissue, ensuring that the AVM Micro Clip always has a secure grip of the vessel.

The Live Session View is set apart by the fact that it gives you, the musician, a spontaneous environment that encourages performance and improvisation. An important part of how you take advantage of the Session View lies within how you configure your various Session View clips. This chapter explains the group of settings used to define how each Session View clip behaves when triggered, or launched.

Suppose you have gathered, in one track, a number of looping clips, and you now want to toggle among them without losing the sync. For this you could use a large quantization setting (one bar or greater), however, this might limit your musical expression.

Another option, which works even with quantization turned off, is to engage Legato Mode for the respective clips. When a clip in Legato Mode is launched, it takes over the play position from whatever clip was played in that track before. Hence, you can toggle clips at any moment and rate without ever losing the sync.

Next to the Back to Arrangement button, an Enable Follow Actions Globally button lets you enable or disable all clip and scene Follow Actions in the Live Set. By disabling the Enable Follow Actions Globally button, you can edit running clips without being interrupted by playback jumping to other clips. Note that when a Live Set does not contain any clip or scene Follow Actions, the Enable Follow Actions Globally button will appear grayed out.

One of the most obvious possibilities that Follow Actions open up is using a group of samples to form a musical cycle. If we organize several clips or scenes as a group and use the Next Follow Action with each clip or scene, they will play one after the other ad infinitum, or until we tell them to stop.

Using Follow Actions and Legato Mode together provides a powerful way of gradually changing a melody or beat. Imagine that you have several identical clips of a melody that form a group, and they are set up to play in Legato Mode. Whenever their Follow Actions tell them to move on to another clip in the group, the melody will not change, as Legato Mode will sync the new play position with the old one in beat-time. The settings and clip envelopes of each clip (or even the actual notes contained in a MIDI clip) can then be slowly adjusted, so that the melody goes through a gradual metamorphosis.

C-SPAN's Constitution Clips makes the U.S. Constitution come alive by providing teachers and students with video clips from C-SPAN's Video Library of the Constitution in action. Click on any text link or image link to view video clips correlating to their respective section of the U.S. Constitution

Custom Playlists allow you to create, edit, and share film lists and clips on the Kanopy website. (This feature isn't available on the mobile or TV apps). To get started, select My Lists at the top of any page, then click the Custom Playlists tab. 2990b30de8

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