

Some individuals in China truly eat dogs, but it's only a very small number of the 1.5 billion population base. 

Almost all of my friends under 30 years old said straightforwardly they would resist this festival.

Although many Chinese are rich nowadays, but they are very poor 20-30 years ago. They have the most of population in the world and many of them are lack of food.

So they eat everything in the nature. Not only will Chinese eat beef, pork, fish, but also dogs, cats, snakes, horses, donkeys, frogs, mice, fox and even locust. 

The vast majority are stolen companions or strays. G

In cities outside those listed above, 20% of respondents had eaten dog meat in the past two years, while in the same period, 1.7% had eaten cat meat.

despite many of the animals being stolen, the meat is still not cheap. It is eaten for reasons of superstition or tonic or, arguably, tradition

The Chinese authorities now take the view that the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival doesn't officially exist

The widely reported – though again difficult to verify – figure is 10 million.

Rightly, the event caused outrage at home and abroad and, thanks to the campaigning of groups including Animals Asia, the government of Yulin removed the event’s official backing in 2014.

Since then, there has not been an official dog meat eating festival in Yulin, but local people do still gather to eat lychees and dog meat during the summer solstice in an entirely unofficial capacity.

Although we know that the practice of eating cat and dog meat has existed for many years in China, especially in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou province and north eastern China, the frequency of consumption and the amount consumed is decreasing year by year.

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