



-Google ads account created & linked to Youtube & website (done)

$25 ads ran w/limited success, pause campaign (DONE)

-Google Analytics linked to website and YT, tracking code & auto-tagging installed (DONE)

-Google Search Console set up & website linked to YT Channel (look into robots crawler)* DONE

-XML sitemap submitted to Search Console & successfully indexed. DONE

-Google Adsense site set up & linked (still pending approval for remote on-site live-streaming) * (no monetization possible till 1000 subs) PENDING


-make channel (done)

-Create Checklist for easy episode promo/workflow (in prog)

Degen Podcast Promo checklist

1.) Post time & topic of cast on twitter (@degens13)

2.) Post stream time and topic on TG Channel (

4.) Post YT link hour or so before livestream on twitter (@degens13) & on TG channel

5.) Fill out description box with relevant links & @twitterhandles of people on there. Also include & TG channel link in YT description box.

6.) Go live and post YouTube watch link on TG channel.

7.) Steemit, reddit etc (in prog)


-Create auto template for description box (site, members, socials, tg links,)- (incomplete)

Secondary YT channel Setup for edited clips (DONE)

-Maybe have folks send me sections they want cut? - (in prog)

-learn how to livestream music (incomplete)

-create yt cards to push viewers to other degen vids (incomplete)

Logo- (incomplete)-need simple logo 3 or less colors for

Audio Only Podcast-

get Blubrry subscription for audio-alone podcasts set up (DONE)

Finish editing rambo video ( -(Incomplete) )


Merch webstore subscription buy & install on site (DONE)

-Connect to drop ship? - DONE

-Design merch (incomplete)

Blog page -done

Forum page (inprog)

  • Collective will use forum to plan episodes/discuss topics. Website visitors can view forum.
  • Visitors can sign up as a member w/email address and then be able to join discussion/share links/etc.

  • Benefit 1.) - Build Degen Community/Fans: Visitors will share interesting links/suggest topics which may make for a better episode and/or speed up workflow. These people will also feel more involved in show which will expand our reach organically.
  • Benefit 2.) Lead Generation: We will have member’s email address and can send newsletters etc. which assist in long-term audience retention.

about collective page- (incomplete)

blueberry link tab (incomplete)

embedded livestream (incomplete…awaiting search console approval)

Design home page (incompletE)

Fun Whitepaper tab (incomplete)

Crypto-Degens “Whitepaper”: This is more of a fun “marketing” tactic, but will also inform potential new viewers about the show.

-What is purpose of crypto degens? - Provide platform for various opinions etc.

-explain our pseudo-decentralized nature (viewers can comment on forum & help shape future episodes etc.)



-Grow individual member’s revenue stream- how? (incomplete)

-affiliate link

- add personalized pages to site?

- find old document i wrote about monetezatio (incomplete)

Decentralization as both a fun “gimmick” and a way to build a more productive workflow

Crypto’s biggest draw may be its decentralized nature. While our Podcast is already “decentralized” in part due to our “collective,” I believe we can expand upon this for both practical as well as strategic reasons.

1.) T


Website: - white paper, public notes for planning episode (people can comment) decentralized 

**make a crypto degens whitepaper.  

1.) decentralized (Fact that people are having to sign up email to comment gives us their email (lead) 

2.) it’s cool to have it decentralized we dknt have to tell or incite people to comment, that may or may not come naturally. We can nonchalantly mention it oh if you guys want etc. 

Report Page