Check IN

Check IN


ALSO LOGIC does not rely whether bookings/cancellations/modifications are made online/offline.

app_checkin: Async store contains booking id and status.


1. Checkin will ALWAYS be possible if they happen to be within 90 min range for ANY appointment (ie (appointment start time - 30 mins) until appointment end time).

2. If they are trying to checkin for same appointment again (WHICH WILL NOT HAPPEN since UI will get refreshed), we check

against the same booking ID and show them message: "YOU are already checked IN, please refresh the APP".

3. Once checkedin via app, beacon_checkin async store will also be updated with timestamp (appointment start time + 60 mins). 60 mins can be made 50, 45 etc. We can discuss on this.

For eg: consider below appointments:

CASE1: Back to back bookings:

1. 1-2   Checkin time: 12:30-2

2. 2-3   Checkin time: 1:30-3

Here, for back to back cases, app checkin will always be possible since it obeys above rule. Checkin will be possible in time ranges mentioned against their appointment durations.

CASE2: Appointment cancelled and rescheduled 30 mins after cancelled appointment.

1. 1-2    Checkin time 12:30-2 (got cancelled)

2. 1:30-2:30 Checkin time 1-2:30

Again, app checkin will always be possible since it obeys above rule.

CASE3: Normal scenario

1. 1-2 Checkin time: 12:30-2

2. 3-4 Checkin time: 2:30-4

Again, app checkin will always be possible since it obeys above rule.

beacon_checkin: Async Store contains timestamp (appointment start time + 60 mins).


1. Once checked in, they will not be able to checkin for the appointment duration (appointment start time + 60 mins). If current time is greater than (appointment start time + 60 mins), they will be able to checkin for next appointment. In addition, once checkin via beacon, app_checkin async store will also be updated with booking id and status.

For eg: consider below appointments:

CASE1: Back to back bookings:

1. 1-2   Checkin time: 12:30-2

2. 2-3   Checkin time: 1:30-3

Here, for back to back cases, 2nd beacon checkin will be possible at 2:00. If appointment was already checked in via app, then beacons will not be triggered untill 2:00. After 2:00, find appointments will be triggerred again if it is not checked in via app.

CASE2: Appointment cancelled and rescheduled 30 mins after cancelled appointment.

1. 1-2    Checkin time 12:30-2 (got cancelled)

2. 1:30-2:30 Checkin time 1-2:30

Beacon checkin option will not be there untill 2. They can rely on app checkin option in such cases.

CASE3: Normal scenario

1. 1-2 Checkin time: 12:30-2

2. 3-4 Checkin time: 2:30-4

Beacon checkin will always be possible since it obeys above rule.

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