Check-check-check: Dehn Sora (Treha Sektori / Throane)

Check-check-check: Dehn Sora (Treha Sektori / Throane)

Kristina Sarkhanyants • «Чушь в массы!»

The mastermind behind one of the best 2016 black metal albums — Throane's debut ‘Derrière Nous La Lumière’Dehn Sora comes to Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Moscow this weekend as Treha Sektori and Throane. He also brings a post-hardcore beast Ovtrenoir to Moscow with him on guitars and theremin, so be ready for a full house of despair, desolation, devastation, anguish and anxiety. Before the leg of the tour begins I asked Dehn to fill in a short questionnaire.

Treha Sektori / bandcamp

Chief characteristic of your music 

Unpleasant, humble, ceremonial.

The state you usually make music into

From punching walls to complete serenity. Repetitively.

How to reach it? 

It is unfair that it cannot be controlled.

Main lesson you learned throughout your artistic career 

What worked once never work again.

Main disappointment you have about it 

No real disappointment, just choices I have not understood.

Your favorite (morning) rituals 

Difficulty to awake, then coffee with a cigarette.

3 artists who influenced you the most and favorite works by them 


Deathspell Omega 'Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, circvmspice'

Ingmar Bergman 'The Seventh Seal'

3 books everyone should read 

I'd say Bhagavad Gita, Marco Aurelio thinkings, your own diary.

The best mind of our generation 

There is one raising everyday.

What does Paris look like nowadays?

Paris looks like a constant surprise.

Which place in the world would you like to live in? 

Ghent, Belgium.

The place you feel at peace in 

One where there is no connection to the outside.

Your favorite album art right now 

Au-Dessus 'End of Chapter'

Your favorite album art designed by you right now

Hope the next one, but lately got a special feeling around the Jarboe / Father Murphy 10" ep.

Your favorite music video right now 

If you could make a collab with any band / artist, who would it be? 

Olivier de Sagazan

Church of Ra is 



Treha Sektori / Throane • 14.09 • Tallinn 

Treha Sektori / Throane / Hvøsch • 15.09 • St. Petersburg

Treha Sektori / Throane / Ovtrenoir • 16.09 • Moscow

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