Cheating 🤷‍♀️

Cheating 🤷‍♀️

Lil Looty🥶

Let me insist on something . If you cheat on something how do you feel ? Are you guilty or do you feel okay? What runs through your mind ? Are you happy ,sad ,mad, anxious ? What’s the first initial things after the fact? I never will know the answers until I’ve asked . But I’ve witnessed something I never want to . I was devastated,when my close friend had done the absurd. Here let me begin :

It started in late October ,a nice windy day in the Nations capital ,Washington D.C.. Happiness was everywhere . Well,me and a few of my classmates when on a trip there for the weekend . It was amazing ,the best expiernece . But that’s another story . There was a couple and they were adorable , they acted like my parents Lowkey. They had my backs and made sure I was okay. They hugged ,kissed and cuddled -together all this compassion ! It was something I was proud to witness the time .

Now, you’re probably thinking “What ? What’s wrong ?”. There was a flag room in Washington D.C. and I was there with them ...they kissed . IT ASS CUTE ? Okay I won’t ever forget that’s true . But she never realized that. There they were hugging and making sure everyone was happy . There was drama and they stuck together . But then something happened ...

I never thought she would do it ...

she cheated on him ....


Well apparently she was talking to her ex again ...and at a Friday night football game they were hugging and cuddling again ...

You could only imagine what is running through my head when I hear this .

”Woah why would she hug and cuddle with someone else ...she has a whole boyfriend ?”

sometimes what you think is interesting ...

About two weeks later ...she breaks up with him because she “lost feelings”. Lies

i don’t care ...she lied ...she cheated on him. With a dude ...her ex . She didn’t wanna break someone’s heart so she cheated . But that was worse least to me .

He wasn’t as mad but he was mad ...she abused him. She used him for happiness and then went to someone else .

I confronted her but she didn’t listen .

all of us were pissed .

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