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Cheapest Tandem Pushchairs


Please confirm you are not a robot by checking the box.Double pushchairs for small budgetsHaving a baby can be expensive, and when you have two, it can feel like money just evaporates. Buggies are one thing it’s easy to spending many hundreds of pounds on, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Big name pushchair brands – such as Maclaren and Silver Cross – do offer value priced twin and tandem options, for those with twins or a baby and toddler.While cost is one consideration, there’s no point forking out on a stroller if it doesn’t do the job. With this in mind, we’ve hunted down 10 top double buggies that combine a low price tag with a good performance – if they haven’t scored well in our real-life buggy reviews, they don’t get a mention here!You also need to know whether a twin or tandem model will be best for you. Our double buggy buyer’s guide and advice for buying secondhand buggies safely are must-reads, too.Click through to find out the 10 best double buggies that cost less than £250…

Cosatto You2 Twin Stroller, £250The Cosatto You2 is a lightweight in the twin buggy world, weighing 11.3kg. Despite being a twin (side-by-side) buggy, it’s narrow enough to fit through doors. Suitable from birth, the You2 scored full marks for ease of folding and steering.Read the full Cosatto You2 Twin Stroller review. Compare deals from top retailers Petite Star Twin Charisma, £199.99A 3-wheeler twin buggy, the Petite Star Twin Charisma is good on some off-road surfaces, though not a true all-terrain pushchair (ATP). Suitable from birth, the seats can be reclined independently of each other. Another great feature is the roomy shopping basket, which is easy to get to.Read the full Petite Star Twin Charisma review. Graco Stadium Duo, £149.99The Stadium Duo is a good all-rounder tandem buggy. It’s easy to fold and this can be managed with one hand after some practice. One seat is suitable from birth (the other from 6 months), so this is best for siblings of different ages.

You can convert the buggy into to a travel system for one of your two, if you purchase a compatible Graco car seat.Read the full Graco Stadium Duo review Buy the Graco Stadium Duo on Amazon Maclaren Twin Triumph, £165The Maclaren Twin Triumph is a double buggy, but it still boasts the one-handed umbrella fold that made Maclaren’s single pushchairs so popular. Compact and suitable for twins or siblings, the Twin Triumph weighs a tiny (for a twin) 10.6kg.Read the full Maclaren Twin Triumph review Buy the Maclaren Twin Triumph on Amazon Silver Cross Pop Duo, £240The Silver Cross Pop Duo features an easy-to-use umbrella fold and a low double buggy weight of 12.2kg. With two independent hoods and seat recline, it can work for a toddler and baby, but the really thick and comfy cosytoes make it ideal for twin newborns, too. The Pop Duo also handles well on grass and gravel.Read the full Silver Cross Pop Duo review Cosatto Ditto Twin Stroller, £180Bright and funky, the umbrella-fold Ditto Twin Stroller could work for twins or siblings of different ages.

This double is light and slim, so you won’t break into a cold sweat when thinking about a trip to the shops/on the bus. Read the full Cosatto Ditto Twin Stroller review. Graco Duo Sport, £139.99The Duo Sport is suitable from birth and has independent seat recline. It weighs just 10.2kg and scored full marks for ease of folding (however check its folded dimensions as it doesn’t fit all car boots). This twin buggy has a large shopping basket that you can cram a lot into. It’s also easy to access from the rear.Read the full Graco Duo Sport review Mothercare Xoob2 Double Stroller, £180A lightweight umbrella-fold buggy, the Xoob2 Double Stroller is incredibly easy to put up and down. The seats are suitable from birth and can recline independently. Our reviewer admitted she found the Xoob2 sturdy enough to hang some bags from the handles, but there are two decent sized shopping baskets, too.Read the full Mothercare Xoob2 Double Stroller review Cosatto Duet Lite Tandem, £200The Cosatto Duet Lite Tandem is an umbrella-fold buggy for siblings of different ages.

When folded, the buggy is very compact, and when in use, it doesn’t feel that much longer than a single buggy. The Duet Lite Tandem is also easy to steer on pavements. Read the full Cosatto Duet Lite Tandem review Maclaren Twin Techno, £252Okay, okay, it is £2 over the budget we set, but this compact and easy-to-fold twin buggy is worth it. Both seats of the Twin Techno are suitable from birth, so it’s ideal for twins. On the other hand, the independent seat recline and separate hoods and footmuffs mean it can work for siblings of different ages.This twin buggy does have a higher suggested retail price (around £270), but hunting around reputable online retailers can see you bag it for less. We’ve found the Twin Techno for £252 at Kiddicare. This price is correct at the time of publishing, but obviously such good bargains do come and go (and prices rise and fall).Read the full Maclaren Twin Techno review Buy the Maclaren Twin Techno at Amazon Infant Car SeatsTravel System Car SeatsConvertible Car SeatsBooster Car SeatsCar Seat AccessoriesPremium Car SeatsCar Seat BasesStroller & Car Seat Toys

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