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Cheap Rear Facing Pushchairs Uk


Used Prams and Pushchairs for Sale in UKChoosing the right pram or stroller for your little one can be a big choice to make! While you might already be thinking about some of the obvious. Size, price, comfort, seat load capacity, weight, cost, brand, functionality – there's a broader range of factors worth considering. After all, you only want the best for your child. Is your child a newborn, an infant or a toddler? Do you like to exercise with your little one? How big is your car? Is it practical to get one with a crotch buckle and a hood? How often do you take a stroll with your child? Do you spend a lot of time travelling – car travel and air travel? How safe is the pram you’re buying? Is it recommended to opt for such products with an arm rest, an inbuilt harness, cup holder, or other accessories? While this can seem like a bit of a head spin, lo and behold, we're here to help. We stock the widest selection of prams and strollers from the industry's leading brands.

Since our focus is on quality, rest assured that we can help you find the best one for your child. Especially if you want to have a fun time shopping for prams and strollers without rushing decisions, we’re here to the rescue. Additionally, you can discover information on each of our products simply by browsing our featured list of prams online. Or, alternatively, you can have a chat with one of our friendly staff instore. There, our staff will be happy to discuss what pram is suitable for you based on your requirements and preferences. With their assistance, you'll be able to touch and test the perfect pram or stroller for you and your baby's needs. Showing 1 - 9 of 705 items Dreambaby Stroller Fan Assorted Mountain Buggy Nano - Black Outlook Pram Hooks Black Baby Jogger City Elite Pram Charcoal Mountain Buggy Nano - Ruby Dream Baby Stroller Clips 4 Pack - Black Bugaboo Organiser - Grey Melange Dream Baby Stroller Clips - White - 4 Pack

At the next level the Trotter is a basic pushchair for a larger child capable of taking a much wider range of sizes, so it may last much longer and need replacing less often as your child grows. There are four sizes of the Trotter we focus on the model with the 14" wide seat which covers the lower leg length of a standard 4 year old to someone over 6 feet tall !! (provided they are below 45kg weight). Chidren often outgrow the seat and lower leg size of the Maclaren Major Elite and can seem uncomfortable and 'perched' in a small pushchair even though they are well within the weight limit, this may be especially true of a young person who is slim and long legged. There is even an optional headrest extension for the longer upper body. For a child requiring postural support you can use a seat insert with the Trotter, for example a BodyMap, Burnett or Stabilo Vacuum Support Cushion System. Next level is if you need a piece of equipment which can be used to transport a child in a car, bus, school transport.

The Trotter is tested to and complies with the necessary regulations for this use BUT you will need to buy extra accessories e.g. Headrest (for possible whiplash injury), Bus Tie Down Clips, Ankle Cuffs etc. as it is only with these fitted that the Trotter fulfils the requirements of the regulations. This is an area we are not expert in and so far are getting varying advice on what is actually needed - the provision for wheelchairs on buses has no 'tie down' and simply requires rear facing in the space behind the driver, parents sometimes complain that school transport wheelchairs do not have headrests and few people use any foot restraint ! We can obtain the accessories which enable you to use the Trotter in a vehicle capable of taking a crash tested seat (i.e. only those specific to the Trotter not fittings for the vehicle). Our primary interest is to provide equipment for occupants who can walk but not far enough or not in the direction to want ! We do not specifically target occupants whose physical needs are more complex, we do not have the training or expertise or, as a mail order company, the opportunity to do this.

Top level use of the Trotter is for occupants who require more support - but this is more about their ability to maintain their seated posture, to use the pushchair, than any support which is clinically appropriate for their condition. So if you are interested in the Trotter but need to customise it for specific physical needs then we recommend that you seek the advice of a professional OT. eligible for VAT Relief when purchased for someone with special needs There is a range of accessories for the Bus Transit Tie Downs Padded Head Rest Wing Full Torso Vest (replaces standard harness) Lateral Support & Scoli Strap Foot & Ankle Positioner Upper Extremity Support Tray and we can also supply: Storm Cover (12" & 14" models only, limited headroom) See photo gallery below. For detailed dimensions please visit Trotter Specifications or download the detailed Trotter User Manual this is in the Adobe pdf format, if you do not have Acrobat Reader installed you can install it free

Buggies & Strollers > These are lightweight, compact and have a great easy fold mechanism - they’re perfect for easy storage on holiday or nipping down to the shops. Lots of strollers have multi position lie-back so your little tot can have a snooze while you’re onYou’ll need to check the age suitability on these as some are only suitable for 6 months and up. A pushchair is more substantial than a stroller, but not as bulky as a pram. These come with lots of accessories and you can have fun addingIn summer months you’ll need to think about sunshades, mosquito nets and parasols, while in winter you can add foot muffs This is your all-in-one, do everything option - taking your baby from birth right through to toddler this is the perfect buy when you’re watching yourThese pushchairs give you the flexibility to have forward or rear facing and many of them can be used as a pram by adding a carry cot.

The biggest plus is that you can use them with a car seat with one easy click - just check that the adaptors are included. These are a more traditional option but withYou can adapt these to be parent or forward facing, and they give you more opportunity to interact with your little one. Lots of pushchairs can be converted into prams so it’s worth considering one of these for moreAll prams are suitable from birth. Twins & Tandems > If you’ve got two small children or twins these are the best option for you - buggies are a popular choice for carrying your double trouble side by side, and many models feature independent recline and separate hoods. Tandems feature two seats one behind the other - one seat is usually from birth but there are lots of options to choose from. Some allow you to but the second seat separately, with mix and match combinations for carrycots and car seats, just check what’s included before you buy.

When you’re out shopping or trying to cram in a quick coffee with friends you’re going to need something a little more nippy that you can fold down in the boot or stroll onto the bus or train. Look out for pushchairs that are lightweight and easy to put up or down. When you’re heading down to the local park or a little further afield a sturdy pushchair is ideal. You can take all the essentials you need for a day out and use them with a carrycot or car seat. There are so many options to choose from and you can tailor them to suit you and your baby. It’s never been easier to include baby on your days out - look out for pushchairs that are designed to go off-road, they let you tackle more uneven pathways and terrains without baby gettingThe wheels are often a lot sturdier and the suspension is designed to be more robust, countryside here we come! When you’re jetting off you need a pushchair

that’s easily adaptable and comes with plenty of accessories to suit all weathers. that collapse down as neatly as possible so they’re easy to pack (or stash on a plane) and opt for a model that includes all the essentials like a sunshade, parasol, pram bag and rain cover. So when your family gets bigger you’ve got to have more transport options, luckily there are plenty of ways to accommodate two children while you’reYou can either choose a lighter weight stroller that lets your tots sit side by side or you can choose an option that lets you addThat way you wont have the nightmare of having to contain a toddler on foot while pushing a baby! Nippy urban buggies with 3 wheels make it so much easier to get round when the terrains a littleThey have amazing stability and look pretty cool too, plus the suspension gives baby a smooth ride even when you’re hitting some bumps. Parent Facing Pushchair >

Baby loves to see you, and these options mean you can interact as you go. prams and pushchairs give you the option to do both, so if baby needs a little quiet time you can adjust and give you both some peace and quiet. great if you need to do a quick feed on the move. Adjustable Handle Height > This is one of the most important features when choosing your baby transport, it really does help when you’ve got family and friends helping out, Lots of pushchairs and buggies let you adjust the handle bar height, most are adjustable with Compatible with Car Seat > Many pushchairs are car seat compatible, enabling your Infant car seat (Group 0+) to click onto your pushchair (that means you wont have to wakeAlways check your car seat and pushchair compatibility and check if separate adapters areIt is recommended that you don’t keep new-borns in car seats for more than 2 hours. Compatible with Carrycot >

In a similar way to car seat compatibility, many pushchairs can fit a carrycot. Check if your pushchair is carry cot compatible and is included or purchased separately. Some pushchairs convert into a carrycot using clips - often referred to as a pramette. These allow you to carry your tot and collapse the pushchair with one easy movement so you don’t have to struggle. designs have made many pushchairs a oneSome also come with an auto lock When it’s nap time, it’s nap time! Make sure you’re baby has the option to enjoy 40 winks in comfort by choosing a pram or pushchair that allows them to settle back in full recline. These are perfect for days out when you’re not going to be heading home anytime soon, baby gets to enjoy the view but also give you a little peace! before using for the Always use the harness provided to secure your child in the seat. Show anyone else who’ll be using the pushchair

how to open and fold and how to use the fasten your little one in. Always use the brake whenever you are stopped and ensure it is cleaned and lubricated for rinse the wheels and locks often so they don’t get child or baby is inside and never leave them in We know it’s tempting, but don’t overload the handles with bags of shopping - this can cause the pushchair to topple over with baby inside. Check the weight limit of your pushchair - using over this limit may affect full recline are only suitable So you’ve picked your perfect pushchair, now you just need the accessories to go with it! creating a look that suits your style, or look out for finishing touches that’ll make your life easier - we’ve got lots to choose from! check what’s already included with your pushchair. These allow you to adjust the shade depending on where the sun is.

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