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Cheap Lego Batman Arkham Asylum


LEGO The Batman Movie 70902 Set NO MINI FIGURES - 4 years 10 months ago The gameplay comprises essentially two main components: smashing and building. With that said, it should quickly become your life's goal to go on a destructive rampage and unleash your Kung Fu fury upon everything in the game—provided it can be destroyed in the first place. More likely than not, piles of twitching, bouncing LEGO pieces eagerly await to be assembled together in to some kind of prop that will allow you to progress through the game, or help attain that elusive LEGO canister. So, remember: if it ain't broke, break it. EditMissions The dichotomy in this game provides an opportunity for the Batman enthusiast to view the story from both sides, either from the heroes point of view (Batman and the ever-lovable side, Robin) or the three primary villains (along with their hodgepodge crew of equally familiar criminal masterminds). You will be able to switch to and from heroes and villains soon after you beat the first couple hero levels.

Collectibles Each level contains a total of ten items called LEGO canisters and one red power brick. Collect all ten in the level to be able to assemble a minikit model that can be viewed in the Hero Trophy Room. The real upside to this is that you also get a good chunk of studs (50,000) for completing a minikit model. Red power bricks, on the other hand, help put suit upgrades on the market for purchase. Suits Unique to the heroes only, each of the suits possesses special attributes or abilities that transfer to the wearer. Batman and Robin each have suits tailored especially for them so that one cannot fit in the other's suit. You can swap in and out of your suits via the suit changers. Suit upgrades tack on extra cool abilities to the existing suit, making them potentially more useful and fun to use. In order to get suit upgrades, you need to collect red power bricks and obtain them in exchange for studs. EditBatcave Here, in their base of operations, is where the caped dynamic duo monitor the increasing crime activity going on in Gotham.

If there's a need, Batman and Robin will jump right to the scene in either the Batwing, the Batmobile or the Batboat. Each of these vehicles tie in to a specific story element pertaining to one of the three main villains. The Batmobile with the Riddler, the Batboat with the Penguin and the Batwing goes with the Joker. You can also access the Batcomputer and scroll through a number of options as well as some game bonuses. If you have enough LEGO studs, you can purchase a number of new unlockables as they become available to you when you complete levels. EditArkham Asylum The residents are none other than the very people Batman and Robin helped jail. Finish at least one hero chapter to unlock the villains side of the missions. There's a lever in the Batcave, near the Batcomputer, that switches camera views to the Arkham Asylum, thus effectively allowing you to play through villain missions. Set up very similarly to the Batcave, you guide your toons to the garage and hop in one of the three vehicles to start up specific chapters.

EditCharacter Abilities With a myriad of characters to play as and interchange, it's no surprise that most of the characters come with certain innate abilities that grant them privileges others can't have. As you unlock more characters, you must collaborate with them in free play in order to reach certain otherwise unattainable collectibles. The basic ability list: superstrength, double jump, plant growth, mind control, toxin immunity, gliding, etc. Some characters may possess more than one of these abilities at once. EditFREE PLAY Every time you beat a level, you gain the freedom to return to the level under "Free Play" mode, which basically entitles you to bring whoever and whatever you want into that level. This means you can bring villains into a normally all-hero mission if that's what it takes to overcome certain obstacles. Many of the collectibles will require a return to the level on Free Play, as the abilities of the available characters in Story mode—for the most part—will not suffice.

LEGO Batman: The Videogame is a video game for the Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii and Microsoft Windows, and is based on DC Comics' Batman. It is developed by TT Games and Published by Warner Bros. Games. The Mac version of the game was published by Feral Interactive and released in 2011. Updated is now Feb 18, 2016. The game features Batman and his sidekick Robin fighting their most dangerous foes, who have all broken out of Arkham Asylum and split into four groups to wreak havoc across Gotham City. The story is split into four scenarios, one for each group whose leaders hope to achieve certain goals: In each scenario, the player controls Batman and Robin as they fight through hordes of goons and henchmen to reach and defeat each villain, foil their plans, and send them back to Arkham. After clearing one story, the player is able to play it through the villains' perspective, controlling them and carrying out their individual plans up to before being stopped by the Dynamic Duo.

There are five levels in each episode. Boss is Two-Face's Armored Truck Bosses are Two-Face and The Riddler Boss is Catwoman (Bane in DS version) Boss is Penguin Submarine U99 (Catwoman in DS version) Boss is Killer Croc (Penguin Submarine in DS version) Boss is Man-Bat (Killer Croc in DS version) Bosses are Catwoman and Penguin Boss is Killer Moth (Scarecrow in DS version) Bosses are The Joker and Harley Quinn, and The Joker-Copter No Boss, play as Clayface, The Riddler and Two-Face (DS version-only) No Boss, play as Mr. Freeze and The Riddler No Boss, play as Poison Ivy and The Riddler No Boss, play as Two-Face and The Riddler No Boss, play as Bane and The Penguin Boss is Police Helicopter, play as Catwoman (Man-Bat in DS version-only) and The Penguin Boss is a Police Boat with 3 orange lights, playable Vehicles are Penguin Submarine U99 and Killer Croc's Swamp Rider No Boss, play as Killer Croc and The Penguin

No Boss, play as Catwoman and Penguin Boss is James Gordon, play as Harley Quinn (Mad-Hatter DS version-only) and The Joker Boss is Police Battle Helicopter, playable Vehicles are The Scarecrow's Biplane and The Joker-Copter No Boss, play as The Joker and The Scarecrow No Boss, play as Killer Moth and The Joker No Boss, play as Harley Quinn and The Joker There are 40 Hostages in the game, one in each non-vehicle level. Once the player finds a hostage, a smile will appear by the level number. A frown means the player has not found the hostage or saved them. In order to do this, the player must find and defeat the thug who is holding the innocent civilian prisoner. After the player has freed all 40 hostages, it is possible to unlock the villain Hush in gameplay for 150,000 studs. After 100% completion, it is possible to unlock Ra's al Ghul for 50,000 studs. The last piece of data is also available, which reads 'The End?' Video:LEGO Batman The Videogame Xbox 360 Trailer - Launch TrailerVideo:LEGO Batman The Videogame Xbox 360 Trailer - TrailerVideo:LEGO Batman The Videogame Xbox 360 Trailer - Batman andVideo:LEGO Batman The Videogame Xbox 360 Trailer - NightwingVideo:LEGO Batman The Videogame Xbox 360 Trailer - AlfredVideo:LEGO Batman The Videogame Xbox 360 Trailer - Two Face and

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