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Cheap 4 Foot Memory Foam Mattress


last updated: Feb 17, 2017How do you choose a memory foam mattress? Memory foam mattresses are a fast-growing alternative to innerspring mattresses because they contour the body and provide excellent comfort and support.We know a thing or two memory foam about memory foam, our natural memory foam mattresses are some of the best ranked in the world.Knowing what to look for is key in finding the best memory foam mattress to fit your needs. Here are a few important things to know before buying a memory foam mattress:The misconception... density is what dictates the feel of a foam. That's not entirely true.Foam density actually has more to do with the foams durability. A 5 pound per cubic foot memory foam mattress will outlast a 3lb memory foam by an average of 10 years.Most high-end mattresses, including Essentia and Tempur-pedic, have 5lb+ density foams. See our we compare to other memory foam.Buyer Beware: Many mattress companies boast a 5lb memory foam but fail to specify that this dense foam only makes up the 1st inch of the mattress.

The following layers are weak 2 or 3 lb density memory foams.mmHg is the basically how comfort is measured.It's the unit of measurement used to determine a mattresses reaction against pressure.According to the healthcare industry, a standard of 32mmHg or lower is considered pressure relieving.More pressure relief = less press points = less tossing and turning which is the goal here.A low mmHg also means better blood circulation, however, this is difficult to achieve while maintaining a higher density.The best rating in the industry is offered by Essentia mattresses with 12.43 mmHg.A mattress ILD, or indentation load deflection, ranges from 6 to 40. Most memory foam mattresses on the market rate anywhere between 10 and 16 ILD. Many of the best memory foam mattresses use multiple layers, each with a different mmHg, which enhances a mattress' comfort because the layers work together.Mattress components are often imported from foreign countries like China and assembled in Canada or the U.S.A.

Many mattress companies deceitfully claim that their products are Made in Canada or Made in U.S.A. when in reality they are just assembled in that country.Tests are rarely performed on mattress components that are imported and there is no way of knowing what chemicals are used to make them. Any harsh chemical odors are masked prior to product exportation with industrial perfumes or even green tea extracts.Regular memory foam, also known as visco-elastic memory foam or visco foam, is made with petroleum-based chemicals.This type of memory foam is synthetic (man-made) so it sleeps hot because it traps in body heat like nylon or polyester fabrics do.Sleeping hot and chemical odors are the main complaints among memory foam mattress owners.It's all due to the chemical composition of that foam.If you're not a fan of sleeping hot and are health conscious, you'll want to consider natural memory foam mattresses and pillows.You may have seen us on Dr.OZ, Rachael Ray, O Network along with other media appearances.

It's next generation memory foam which sleeps cool, is comfortable and durable all the while maintaining a healthy sleep environment. See how they're made.You can also learn more by reading the list of chemicals found in mattresses.Essentia Mattresses Offer: - Among the most durable mattresses at a whopping 6.25lbs density foam. - Among the most comfortable mattress, measuring pressure relief at 12.43 mmHg. - The only natural memory foam so it naturally sleeps cool. - Peace of mind knowing it's a fully tested product. - A Canadian made mattress.See how Essentia compares to other memory foam mattresses.For more information, please visit our Learning Center. Ratings >> Memory Foam on 7,142 Consumer Experiences The density of memory foam often determines many mattress characteristics. In other words, you can often learn much about a memory foam mattress simply by knowing its density. (To learn the density of many foam mattresses, see memory foam mattress ratings.) High density memory foam often has potential for both strong positives and strong negatives.

Low density memory foam, by contrast, often performs evenly without strong positives or strong negatives. And medium density often performs in between. much the foam weighs. For example, a cubic foot of four lbs/ft density foam The findings below are based on 7,100+ memory foam bed owner experiences. The findings are true for memory foam mattresses as a group; findings for individual brands / models may differ. Refer to the comparisons below this table for detailed analysis. Memory foam mattresses, regardless of their density (low, medium or high), have about the same owner satisfaction rate – around 80%. Nevertheless, mattresses of different density often have fairly different strengths, weaknesses and characteristics. The price of a memory foam mattress often depends to an extent on its density. All other things being equal, the more dense the memory foam is the more expensive the mattress usually is. Higher-priced brands will tend to use higher-density memory foam (5 lbs/ft or greater in significant quantity);

medium-priced brands will tend to use mostly medium density (4.0 lbs./ft); and lower-priced brands will tend to use mostly lower density (2.5 - 3.0 lbs./ft). On average, the higher the memory foam density is, the better the durability / longevity of the mattress. Mattresses with high-density foam can generally be expected on average to remain supportive and comfortable for close to eight years. This is only an average, however; the longevity of a particular mattress can vary considerably. Memory foam mattresses with low and medium density tend to have a shorter lifespan, often in the 6-7 year range. Again, this is only an average, and the longevity of a particular mattress can vary significantly. All memory foam mattresses, regardless of density, rate well in regard to pain relief, including relief of back, shoulder and hip pain. However, higher-density foam often provides better pain relief in most cases, especially back pain relief. This is because higher-density foam tends to strongly conform to the contours of a person's body which can result in effective support, including optimal spinal alignment.

Owner experience data suggests that, generally speaking, the more dense a memory foam mattress is the longer and / or more strongly it will give off an initial chemical-like odor or gas. More information: memory foam mattress off gassing. A mattress with good motion isolation absorbs the movement of one person so that it does not transfer across the bed to disturb the other person. In other words, a mattress with good motion isolation tends to be friendly for couples. All memory foam densities perform well on this issue, but higher density foam often isolates movement almost entirely. "Sleeping hot" is a somewhat common complaint for memory foam mattresses. Most heat trap complaints, however, are for mattresses with medium- and especially high-density foam. Only about 5% of low-density bed owners report a heat trap problem, while about 8% of medium-density bed owners report a problem. And about 12% of high-density bed owners (especially owners of Tempur-Pedic non-Breeze Contour models) report a problem.

Memory foam of any density that is infused with tiny gel beads tends to have fewer heat-related complaints than non-infused memory foam (of similar density) assuming that at least two inches of the material is present. Upon being compressed and then released, lower-density memory foam tends to respond – return to its original shape – faster than higher-density foam. A faster responding foam is easier to move on and get up off, but it may not mold and contour as strongly to one's body. A conforming mattress is one that strongly molds and contours to a person's body. Higher-density memory foam is often the most conforming because it is the most temperature sensitive. "Temperature sensitive" means that the mattress is firmer in lower temperatures and softer in higher temperatures or when in contact with a person's body heat. A person tends to sink into or "melt" into a higher density mattress because the foam under the person's body becomes softer but the surrounding foam stays firmer.

This can result in good support and a highly conforming or contouring-to-the-body feeling. Most owners of higher-density mattresses appreciate the temperature sensitivity or at least learn to. About 15% of owners, however, do not like it and say that the sinking-in effect causes them to feel like they are sleeping in "mud" or "quicksand." Less-dense foam mattresses, by contrast, are less temperature sensitive and conforming and consequently feel more conventional. Owners of high-density memory foam mattresses usually report that they sink into the foam significantly and that it contours strongly to their body. (See the temperature sensitivity comparison above for why this is so.) While this can provide good support and pain relief, it also can result in the mattress being at least somewhat difficult to move on and get up off. Consequently, people who are physically weak, such as the elderly or the sick and disabled, may want to avoid higher-density foam. Less dense memory foam, by contrast, tends to have more conventional characteristics and is easier to move on and get up off.

The higher the density of foam, the more of a floating and cloud-like sensation a person tends to experience when lying on the mattress. This is due to the fact that the foam tends to envelop and contour strongly to a person's body resulting in equal weight distribution. All memory foam densities tend to be suitable for the average-sized person (130-230 pounds). All densities tend to be suitable for a person 230+ pounds. However, large people may find that higher density foam allows them to sink too far into the foam. And this combined with the foam's ability to contour strongly to the body can undermining ease of movement. People under 130 pounds tend to not sink far into memory foam, especially high density foam. This means that they may not benefit from the contouring and molding properties of the foam, with the result being excessive pressure points especially for side sleep. High-density memory foam beds tend to require the most break-in time. In other words, they often require the most use before they reach the level of firmness and support that they will provide for the long term.

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