Chat Rules

Chat Rules

tHe ×wRe__ـࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧࣧ_nCh×

1.If you didn't get the Links. You can Request for Movies Using this command👇👇👇

#req(space){movie name}

2.Don't use this Group for chatting.

3.Mention Movie only. (ie, NO Unnecessary Phrases)

4.It would be Easier for us to Find the Movie if you Mention the Language and Year.

5.Kindly Please Check the Spelling before requesting the Movie.

6.Do not insult others. [tban]

7.Do not use any BOT commands. ( ie; /start, /filters etc..) [tmute]

8.Don't ever use abusive language. [BAN]

tmute=temporarily muted

tban. =temporarily banned


❤️sʜᴀʀᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ᴜs​❤️

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