Chat Rules

Chat Rules

Line Stickers

Follow the rules, or you may receive a warn/ban. ⛔️

✅ Rules:

1. Watch your language, be nice & respect others. Strong language (abusive language) is prohibited and you may get banned right away without any notice. This rule is applied to any type of language (see rule #2).

2. Use English as a standard way of conversation.

Usage of commonly known expressions as "Ciao" "Hola" and other small talk expression are fine. We are also lenient towards Japanese romaji since the group nature is weeb/anime oriented.

3. Keep the group Safe For Work. No ecchi, no lewds, no hentai.

4. Avoid discussions about religion or any other opinion divergent argument, especially if you cannot take other people's opinions. If you still feel a need to talk about it, do this via PM with the person of your interest.

5. Do not fight in the group. If you have an issue with someone please take it to PM.

6. Please avoid flooding in the group or you may get muted. It is strongly recommended not to use voice messages for conversations (i.e. as a replacement for text messages).

7. Do not use the group to promote anything or you will be permanently banned.

8. If you think you were unfairly warned, don't complain right away. First, try to understand the reason. If you feel it was a mistake, privately discuss politely with an admin.

9. You may use any stickers as long as they have great quality. Any stickers that are blurred, low-res, low-size, or stickers with a doubtful quality may get removed by an admin at any time. See "Line Stickers" channel for acceptable quality reference.

10. Admins have rules for a good behavior and may give actions if someone don't listen. If admins tell you to stop arguing, you have to stop. This clause was added for users like Veii: do not discuss warns and do not make sterile polemic comments on how admins decide to behave. The rules are clear but there are grey zones, admins always decide what to do to make the group peaceful. If you do not like how it is managed, you are free to leave. Every kind of polemic discussion over rules application will result in a direct ban, temporary or permanent to make the polemic user cool off.

  • Last Edit: 2019.10.26

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