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Channels are a tool for broadcasting your messages to an unlimited amount of subscribers. They can be made public with a permanent URL or be kept private to share with only those you choose.

Channels have a view counter for each post. This counter even includes views gained from forwards as your subscribers share content with their friends, so you can watch your ideas spread.

Like other messages on Telegram, you can edit your posts in case your keyboard has betrayed you and created a typo. You can delete posts as well, just in case you're the type to say "I shouldn't have said that" often. Tap the message and select either edit or delete.

You can even add formatting to your messages to be bold, italicized, underlined, monospaced, hyperlinked and more.

Privacy in Mind

Posts on channels are signed by default with the channel's name, rather than the poster's name. If you'd rather put your name on your posts, you can change the Sign Messages setting in the channel's options.

Easy to Share

You don't even need a Telegram account to be able to read public channels like the Telegram News channel. Like users, channels come with an easily shareable link to share across other platforms - email, Twitter or even business cards. Even individual posts come with their own URL.

Forward links will help your channel grow as users share your posts with their friends. Tapping the "Forwarded from" label will open your channel to let new users discover your content as existing users share it.

Widgets can help you bring your channel to the web, helping to embed your posts across the internet. The handy Post Widget tool can help customize the look and feel of widgets for those who stay away from code.

Want to share a midnight snack review without waking up your local subscribers? Channels supported silent messages even before they were added to the rest of the app, letting you post without sending a notification sound to your subscribers. Tap the bell icon to toggle silent messages mode on and off.

Get Connected

You can use polls to judge public opinion, make decisions and help your audience connect with you. Bots like Discussbot help to add functionality to your channel and with the open bot API, you can create your own bots to automate your channel and handle the heavy lifting.

Best of Both Worlds

Channels are great for one-way communication, but what if you want your followers to be able to discuss your posts? Discussion Groups are groups attached to channels that allow up to 200,000 of your followers to chat about your posts.

When you post on your channel, it's automatically forwarded and pinned in the discussion group so you can have your cake and eat it too.

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