

James Kho

The political system in the United States has gone through many changes through many changes throughout the years. In this short excerpt I want to talk about these changes, and how they are destroying America.

If we analyze congressional voting habits of Democrats and Republicans we would notice that the Republicans are becoming more and more right winged and the Democrats are becoming more and more left winged. Both sides are are guilty of of bipartisanship aka putting party over people. I was disappointed to find that the Republican party are far more guilty of this than the Democrats by the fact that they are traveling farther away from Moderate then the Democrats. This trend of the parties ideology splitting makes sense and was there since the beginning, but the rate at which these parties are splitting away from each other is unforeseen.

This is dangerous and there are many consequences to this. As the parties split further and further apart this means that productivity in congress and the government will drop, bills will not get passed, laws will not be created. The only way a bill or law could be passed in a future where the parties are splitting further would be if one party had majority of both the house, senate, and presidency. If this were to happen people from the opposite party would feel unrepresented, which would lead to civil unrest.

What we need is a presidency, a congress, and a senate who is for both parties (a moderate/moderator of source). We need people who care more about people in his/her district and America instead of their political party. We need to end bipartisanship which is one of the leading issues causing major inefficiency in our government.

There is no easy solutions to this problem that is plaguing America. In my opinion we need a massive reform that forces the government to get things done.

A question I want to leave you with is:

If our politicians are getting nothing significant done and doing nothing to fix the issue of inefficiency in our government then why are we paying them, why are we voting for them?

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