


Changelog for latest (10/20/2020) Update


- Selinux is Enforcing

- Please CLEAN FLASH if coming from Android 10.

- Please use the specific vendor/firmware for your device region.

Device Tree:


ROM changes:

Changelog for Project-Awaken v1.2.1 - Amber :-

- Merged latest tag - android-11.0.0_r7

- We now have our own bootanimation

- Added CustomDoze

- Added option to hide gesture navigation bar

- Added optional haptic feedback on back gesture

- Added battery styles

- Added option to hide notification headers

- Added lockscreen weather

- Added option to toggle flashlight when screen is off

- Added support for MicroG

- Added statusbar clock customization

- Added lockscreen visualizer

- Added option to configure lockscreen media art level

- Added option to disable quicksettings and powermenu on lockscreen

- Added Statusbar network traffic

- Added vibration patterns from OOS

- Added increasing ring feature

- Added support for touch gestures (Only for supported devices)

- Added option to disable lock icon on lockscreen

- Added optional quick QS brightness slider

- Removed dividers in settings

- Added option to disable proximity sensor while in call (Only for vanilla)

- And more new things you will find after flashing

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