Changelog :

Changelog :

Device : 

- Security patch level September

- Prebuilts: Retro Music Player,MiXplorer

- Import Google changes on all mic paths 

- Add built-in mic to primary input sources

- Add audiosphere effect support 

- Build With Clang 11.0.4 Stable

- add cpuInfo overlays for temperature

- Enable adaptive sleep

- proc: cmdline: Patch SafetyNet flags 

- Make everything built-in for atoll

- Implement double_tap node

- Enable regulator by default

- Update display blobs from LA.UM.8.1.r1-13500-SM8150.0

- Update ADB props

- Set OpenGL Skia as default renderer

- enable cortex-A76

- use sysctl to control energy aware feature 

- modify the cpuset setting

- add power-libperfmgr

- Switch tree EAS

- revert CarrierSettings app instead of CarrierConfig

- fix led charging

- add offline charging animation

- add logo old rr

- update hals display blobs

- enable hidden notch fitur

- improvement sound efect

- fix dual sound mod dolby and viper

- change prop fp to flame

- fix mirroring screen

- more epic changelog

Note : 

- Use Pbrp

- Format Data 

- Use OpenGapps Pico Variant Or NikGapps Basic Variant

Report Page