

by Logan

Device Side:

  • Updated FP to flame July patch
  • Introduce Violet Parts (SeLINUX Switcher, USB Fast Charging, Mi Dirac, Log tile)
  • Beautify rounded corners
  • Slightly Improved boot-up time
  • Switched back to gralloc 2.0.
  • Updated graphics blobs. (thanks @tesla59)
  • Switched to common sm8150 hals.
  • Enabled VoLTE for bd
  • Enabled Wired/BT headset focus mode
  • Fixed sound picker issue in vanilla builds
  • Addressed some denials
  • Updated azure kernel (thanks @panchajanya1999)

Source Side:

• Merged July Security Patch

• Added Per app network isolation

• Added VoWiFi statusbar icon

• Added VoLTE icon from OOS 10

• Added VPN QS tile

• Added ability to show daily data usage

• Added toggle to force custom doze brightness

• Added icon shapes from Android R

• Added QS tile accent tint

• Added QS statusbar style

• Added Raise to wake

• Added toggle to disable SIM

• Added Edge light animation direction

• Added Edge light Faded/Solid view

• Added configurable sensor block package list 

• Added Ringtone focus mode

• Improved QS detail view layout

• Improved AOD QS tile

• Improved Biometric dialog

• Improved AOD charge settings

• Improved IME space toggle code

• Fixed Notification guts color in dark theme

• Fixed Network speed format for 10*KB

• Fixed custom theme crash in landscape mode

• Fixed App drawer background transparency

• Decreased USB-Debugging notification priority

• Other fixes and improvements

Report Page