

Anurag Bhaumik


- Updated live display to 2.1

- Based on OSS vendor and Soviet kernel


- Merged July Security Patch (11.0.0_r39)

- Switched to Derp launcher and AOSP telephony stack

- Replaced Gallery with Camera Roll prebuilt

- Added three Android S style Clocks

- Moved percentage to left of battery

- OPQSFooter: Reduced action button size

- Forced clock to disappear when keyguard is showing

- BrightnessController: Tuned the slider animation duration

- BrightnessSlider: Scale animation duration with defined BrightnessRampRate

- BrightnessAnimator: Make ramp rate non-linear for very low values

- Added a config for maintainers to show correct VoLTE/VoWiFi slot

- DeskClock: Snooze: Mimic dismiss reveal

- Added Android S Style Switches from SynthOS

- PixelPropsUtils: Made build property spoofing more reliable

- Added a toggle for using LTE icon instead of 4G

- Fine-tuned Quick Settings layout

- Fixed QS brightness slider in landscape

- Added option to switch between Daily/monthly wifi & mobile data usage on QS

- QSCustomizer: Properly apply changes with header image enabled

- Properly aligned owner info to the 3 left aligned clocks

- Fixed Lock screen pulse being always enabled

- Fixed FloatingRotationButton margin

- Fixed height of the bottom navigation bar when hidden

- Made center clock follow paddingTop

- Fixed signal icon alignment when data is on

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