

More Bets! More!

You can find that the number of bets in header dramatically increased. Don't be afraid, we have no secret players which placed them, it's just Flashbet games results are counted together with other bets.

Forum Goes Emotional

We decided to improve our discussions and added emotional reactions on the forum!

Now you can show your mates what do you think about their posts using seven (yes, 7!) reactions! Just hover over the Like button and choice the reaction which is caused by the post.

Hope, you will commonly use Like and Happiness not Anger and Facepalm.

Presets Updates

I bet, you've never thought about that we've done. Now you can create presets with bet amount!

It's not a joke! Just specify the bet amount for your best strategy and run to the king's ransom. But be aware, this preset will be available on for one currency. There is also a possibility for a preset to become invalid if the currency rate dramatically changes and specified bet amount becomes less than a minimum.

Report Updates

We keep bringing your dreams to life! Now you can download your bets report without 2FA. It should save your time and nerves, and make you happier.

Why not? Enjoy!

Currency Exchange Updates

We've prohibited the exchange of the faucet funds. So, now you can't either sell or buy if you have faucet money on target or outcoming balance. But you can perform an exchange if your target balance is less than 3% from min exchange sum.

For example:

You have 3000 satoshi equivalent on LTC faucet balance.

You've deposited 0.001 BTC to his BTC balance and want to exchange it to LTC.

During the exchange, you will lose 3000 satoshi commission, so you lose your faucet balance on exchange commission.

Lucky Coins

And the weather prediction. The next two weeks you will collect rains and Lucky Bet bonuses in USDT and ZEC.

Good luck!

Report Page