

* May security patch

* Minimum required vendor: 9.4.26

* Fixed Hotword when screen is off (ok google, hey google)

* Gcam updated, thanks to san1ty

* Derp kernel 3.5

* Prebuilt gapps updated

New features added:

* Buttons

Invert navbar keys (disabled by default)

Volume wake (disabled by default)

Volume music control (disabled by default)

Torch on power menu (disabled by default)

Disable power menu on lockscreen (disabled by default)

Ability to take screenshots using hardware physical keys (for devices without navigation bar)

* Status bar

4G/LTE toggle

VoLTE icon toggle (disabled by default, unavailable on devices with notch)

Quick pulldown (disabled by default)

Traffic Indicator (disabled, hidden unavailable on devices with notch)

Disable qs on lockscreen (disabled by default)

* Lights

Battery pulse when low toggle (enabled by default)

* Display


Switch to dark theme based on time of the day

Pocket detection (disabled by default)

Double tap to sleep on statusbar and lockscreen (disabled by default)

Ability to force full screen and ignore notch, useful for games and Netflix (inspired by MIUI)

Custom accents color

* Sound and vibration

Vibrate on connect call (disabled by default)

Ringtone chooser for 2nd sim card

FP vibration (enabled by default, AOSP behavior)

Screenshot sound (enabled by default, AOSP behavior)

* Lockscreen

Lockscreen art toggle (enabled by default, AOSP behavior)

* QS Tiles


Heads up


LiveDisplay and reading mode

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