

Balaji VR

- Ambient music ticker AoD: make it compatibile with double tap sensor

- Ambient music ticker: play nice with omni weather

- Ambient Display Music Ticker: Nuke song count info

- Ambient Music Ticker: make it pixel like

- Fix lockscreen double tap to open notifications after ambient music

- Screen off to skip track: Add Spotify/KDEConn/etc.

- Snap: Fix picture size preference

- Ambient display music ticker

- Turn on display if Doze On Charge is Enabled

- dynamic arrow indicators for statusbar network traffic

- expandable volume panel

- TrafficSB: Hide arrows in statusbar traffic indicators

- Added font service

- invictrix fonts & statix fonts (Settings->Display->Font)

- Added 3 mode disply cutout (Settings->Display->display cutout settings)

- DocumentsUI: white navbar for DocumentsUI

- Translations Updated

- minor bugfixes and improvments (visit gerrit or github org)

Report Page