

Team Stag

Hey guys It's February (half way already) and what's valentines day without our very own stag in our phones,

Come on you gotta accept that.

In the same occasion we've moved our build server and are planning for weeklies yes automated weklies so you'll have the latest and the best. More info shared soon.

For now this month's changelog


OnePlus OOS stye network traffic

Added battery bar

Allowing to hide lock icon in lockscreen

Option to hide power menu on lock screen

OOS Style clear all button in notification guts

Allow to dismiss notifications with fp swipe

And guys as all of you have asked finaaly asked a default option in gradients for people who don't like the dual tone finish

Bug Fixes:

Fixed issue with network traffic where it didn't show sometimes

Fixed an issue with autorotation where sometimes devie remained half black

Fixed the carrier label options

The shortand sweet changelog for this release Hope you all like it :)

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