


- Completely switched to Mi 9 FOD

- Optimized memory usage

- Disabled unused debugging

- Various fixes and improvements for UI responsiveness

- Improved various memory allocations

- Added wireguard support

- Big tnx to @YaroST12 for various improvements

- Updated to 4.14.166


- Bump to version 3.3

- Added APEX support for Google libraries updates

- Updated jemalloc for multi-core CPU's

- Updated ARM optimized routines

- Updated zlib to improve data compression

- Updated libjpeg-turbo to accelerate JPEG compression and decompression

- Merged tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-13500-sm8150.0' in some repos

- Added Launcher simple icon pack support

- Added bold digital and Samsung like lock screen clocks

- Added optional back gesture vibration tick

- Added support for font size in 5% steps from 80% to 130%

- Tint QS Tile with accent colour

- Disable Notifications vibration switch

- Protect sensitive info in "About device"

- Updated ElectronBeam screen off animation

- Improved dark theming

- Fixed error displaying information on OmniJaws weather widget

- Fixed ViLTE is not available when WiFi Calling is disabled

- Other fixes under the hood


- Improved brightness values tnx to @markakash & @YaroST12

- Dropped DC dimming

- Switched to full mi9 FOD implementation

- Switched to cortex 76 instructions set

- Improved stock carrier overlay config

- Enabled Wifi Calling

- Fixed APEX updates

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