Central Park

Central Park

M.M December 11, 2020

Cenrtal Park is an Urban Park in NYC. It is located between Upper East and Upper West sides of Manhatten. With covering 341ha it is the fifth–largest park in the city and the most visited with 38 million visitors annually. The park is splitted on three areas: "North End","Mid–Park" and "South End". It was created 1857–1876 by the architects Frederick Law Olmsred and Calvert Vaux. You can visit the park from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.. On this Website you can book a tour in the North End area https://www.centralparknyc.org/activities/guides/north-end-tour. It´s owned by the NYC Parks and is a great place to spend time with your family. Especially the kids have so much fun with the 21 playgrounds. But you can also just have a relaxing walk and enjoy the natural-looking plantings and landfarms. There are also 8 lakes but in summer you can swim in the pool instead. Yeah it´s true Central Park has an own pool. It´s located in the North End of the park near Lenox Avenue & 110 Street. Not only the pool is popular in summer, regular summer events with open air theater and concert series performed by ´´ Central Park Brass´´ make every summer even better. The popularity of the park grew very high. If you look it up, there were only 12.3 million visitors 1973 compared to 42 million 2016. But this has a reason. Mid-20th century the reputation was very dangerous. There were many crimes, you could call it a " crime wave". 1941 a 12-year-old stabbed a 15-year-old.

Known Cases:

Case 1: " Preppy murder" Robert Chambers killed Jennifer Levin

Case 2: " Central Park jogger case" investment banker was raped and brutally beaten

Case 3: gang-rape of two homeless woman, it was barely reported

Not only Case 3 was barely reported, many crimes were covered. That´s why there was a public perception against the park. But don´t worry you don´t have to fear for your life while going for a relaxing walk. 2019 100 crimes were committed and in the 1980s 1000. So it´s saver.

2009 Central Park celebrated the 150th birthday.

Authors like Sarah Burns, Mandy Baggot and Guillaume Masso wrote Books about the park. "Central Park five" ; " Winterzauber im Central Park" and "Nacht im Central Park" are the most popular. Not only books were written about the park, shows and films were also filmed there. It´s the most filmed location worldwide. 350 films were filmed there, like: The Avengers, Gossip Girl, Manhatten love story, Spiderman, Highlander and many more...

popular locations:

Wollman rink

There were filmed many Christmas-films and Love Story

A popular location is also the Bow Bridge but we could not find any pictures.

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