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Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:35:15 No.73882945

>>73882971 >>73882993 >>73883005 >>73883011 >>73883095 >>73883159 >>73883228 >>73883782 >>73884985

Where did the "all carbs are bad" meme come from?

Mycenaean Greeks and Iron Age Italics had the highest IQs according to polygenic scores and they both had a wholegrain rich diet and were athletic AF.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:41:23 No.73882965>>73885644

>lust-provoking image


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:43:20 No.73882971>>73882998 >>73883050 >>73883108 >>73885434

>>73882945 (OP)
ketolards are a blight on the fitness community and, quite frankly, society in general.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:53:06 No.73882993>>73882998

>>73882945 (OP)
Doubt. The Mycenaean upper class were from blonde haired blue eyed steppe herders which is why Greek is an indoeuropean language


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:54:09 No.73882997>>73883056 >>73883100 >>73883608

Because there's literally 0 reason to eat them beyond your addiciton to sugar (all carbs are sugar with no real nutritional value)


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:54:19 No.73882998>>73883053

blond hair blue eyes were native trades, steppenigs were dark

It's not just keto.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:56:01 No.73883002

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the campaign against bread will be purged


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:57:08 No.73883005

>>73882945 (OP)
Keto community and youtube pushing these chiropractors larping as doctors and in general people think oreo and bread made them fat and sick


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)15:57:58 No.73883007

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Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:01:37 No.73883011>>73883056 >>73883086 >>73883976 >>73884956

>>73882945 (OP)
has nothing to do with carbs, grain today is grown with artifically produced nitrogen, that didnt exist in a bio available form in the environment prior to the development of the haber process.
this increases yields and improves the ability for plants to grow , but most notably, minerals and other components that would normally come with natural fertilizers , are lacking , for example, the same amount or less magnesium is present in soil today as ther was 150 years ago, but there is significantly more food being produced per acre, this leads to a depletion of nutritient density in the crop, it is funademntally why basically everyone living today in western countries are dependent on fortified breakfast cereals , which have minerals and other nutrients added back in. after the fact. and if you dont take supplements or eat the shitty cereal ,you will basically be malnourished, since basically all food is effected by this


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:22:19 No.73883050

The ketolards from reddit invaded street 2016 and their cult sisterhood requires them to be loud monkeys with small balls


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:22:55 No.73883053>>73883065

Wrong. Blonde hair and blue eyes originated in the ponto caspian steppe


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:23:30 No.73883056>>73883108

Ketoschizo sighting


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:24:55 No.73883060

(((they))) do not want you to be healthy, lift weights, and DO want your to buy their Tyson meat


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:25:53 No.73883065>>73883082 >>73883104

The Yamnaya gene analysis shows they were dark, interestingly enough even though snownigs have the most yamnaya related ancestry they are also the most blond because the native features got selected.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:29:06 No.73883082>>73883105

Romans Greeks Egyptians and even Chinese all described the Scythians as blonde with blue eyes


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:29:29 No.73883086>>73883143 >>73883167 >>73884989

>has nothing to do with carbs, grain today is grown with artifically produced nitrogen, that didnt exist in a bio available form in the environment prior to the development of the haber process.

ok so?

>this increases yields and improves the ability for plants to grow

how is that a bad thing?

>but most notably, minerals and other components that would normally come with natural fertilizers , are lacking , for example, the same amount or less magnesium is present in soil today as ther was 150 years ago

what minerals? can you post the source you're citing?

>but there is significantly more food being produced per acre, this leads to a depletion of nutritient density in the crop

how is that a bad thing? can you post the source that claims it leads to depletion of the "nutrient density"

> it is funademntally why basically everyone living today in western countries are dependent on fortified breakfast cereals

that is not true

>which have minerals and other nutrients added back in. after the fact. and if you dont take supplements or eat the shitty cereal ,you will basically be malnourished, since basically all food is effected by this

can you name one of these said nutrients?


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:33:07 No.73883095

>>73882945 (OP)
>Where did the "all carbs are bad" meme come from?
Reddit unironically.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:35:09 No.73883100>>73883108 >>73883233

You need to retake your highschool chemistry lessons


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:35:58 No.73883104>>73883148

>The Yamnaya gene analysis shows they were dark
Source: a research article that describes Yamnaya as "intermediate" skin toned or darkER than modern Europeans.
Sicilian and Levantine people are "darker than modern Europeans" but you wouldn't describe them as a dark-skinned people.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:36:30 No.73883105

Who are already from CWC, mixed heavily with local europeans. Scythians were not pure steppe as Yamnaya was.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:36:56 No.73883108>>73883305

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Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:45:35 No.73883138>>73883497

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>Eats healthy plants and healthy natural bug protein
>Mogs 100% of /fit/ and /misc/


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:46:17 No.73883143

magnesium is the example used and is probably the most important one, about half of the american population is deificent
and if you look through all of the food you eat, you will find that the only common foods that offer any significant source of it is fortified breakfast cereal and oatmeal.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:46:36 No.73883148

That's what I meant.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:49:37 No.73883159>>73883459

>>73882945 (OP)
I don’t feel good after eating carbs, hence all carbs are bad


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)16:51:49 No.73883167

the end result of high yield , low nutrient crops, means inorder to get enough of an effected nutrient, you have to consume more calories. as compared to food prior to this added nitrogen. end result being increased risk of obesity and other health problems. and keto fags arent free from thsi problem either, since they are also effected by this, indirectly.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)17:07:17 No.73883228

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>>73882945 (OP)
This guy.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)17:09:11 No.73883233

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"Okay kids, turn on your Bunsen burners, today we are going to talk about glycolysis and the nutrient value of carbohydrates"


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)17:24:32 No.73883305

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Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)17:57:07 No.73883459

even quinoa?


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)18:05:55 No.73883497

nice roid gut kek


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)18:36:29 No.73883608

Carbs were a good, ready source of energy for our species for hundreds of thousands of years. The only reason people are now demonizing carbs is because they are sedentary and do nothing that would actually burn off that energy.

The solution to the modern world isn't to eat less carbs, but to be more active.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)19:06:43 No.73883746>>73883953

>The only reason people are now demonizing carbs is because they are sedentary and do nothing that would actually burn off that energy.
You forgot to mention a schizophrenic, bald, fat, reddit who hates anything that isn't meat.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)19:16:01 No.73883782>>73883795

>>73882945 (OP)
me and my lolibaaba wife (34-y-o 43kg 160cm NEET mentalcel belly dancer)


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)19:18:31 No.73883795>>73885627

I wanna burry my face in loli feet.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)19:50:30 No.73883953

Lmao he's here 16 of his waking hours and lines in central US. He might be in 2.5 shift or is a crackhead. Ketoschizo is deranged.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)19:56:23 No.73883976>>73884730

Not to mention humans are carnivores. Our digestion matches carnivores, our front facing eyes, history and skill of hunting. Farming is essentially lategame hunting, a perfected meta. Problem is, retards started eating the animal feed. Only plant based food we should be eating is vitamin C sources, and not in excess. And we should be eating organs.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)22:22:58 No.73884730

Whats wrong with quinoa and lentils from wallgreens?
>And we should be eating organs.
Absolutely, a beef liver once a week should be mandatory.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)23:05:16 No.73884956

>eat the shitty cereal
I admit, I've been eating cereal my entire 37-year life, and I'll proclaim I genuinely feel best when I eat a full bowl of General Mills "TOTAL" brand flake cereal with alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll those vitamins and minerals, every single morning.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)23:13:22 No.73884985

>>73882945 (OP)
generally, if some part of your regular diet is going to fuck you up, it's going to consist primarily of carbs
expections are oviously retarded things like alcohol, massive amounts of mercury-laden fish, lead flakes, etc.


Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)23:13:56 No.73884989

>oh queso?
Look, kid; when you eat food, you aren't ingesting "magic." When you eat a candy bar that weighs 6oz, you're not getting the same magical amount of "nutrients" as if you ate 6oz of fruit salad. Or bacon strips. Or alcoholic white wine. Or fermented cheese. Or, or, or.

WHAT you eat matters.
HOW MUCH you eat matters.

>You're not answering my question!
When farmers produce 90x the amount of crops they "used to," they ARE NOT producing 90x the amount of "nutrients." They're creating empty foam and you're eating it, confusing it with it giving you some sort of panacea substance that removes all your bad stuff and gives you infinite good stuff.
You're a living human so guess what? You can't eat rocks and continue living. You need nutritious, living creatures, you need to kill them, chop them up, plant them and harvest them every single day you ever breathe. And 5x that amount of clean water.


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)00:36:40 No.73885434>>73885555 >>73885640 >>73885683

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More like blight on humanity. They lie so white people die.


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)00:53:31 No.73885555>>73885696

Damn jews wanting us to... eat meat.


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:04:39 No.73885627>>73885654

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>be chillin, maxxin' and relaxxin' at the calisthenics park
>9-y-o girl pops out of nowhere, wants to try out my resistance band
>oblige and get to be 3 inches from her crocs-laden feet as I help her get on and off

another time a little boy asked me to show him my 6-pack and when I told him no way he wanted to at least know how many "lines" did it have

/fit/ pedos must be living the dream lmao
it literally boils down to
>be attractive
>don't be unattractive


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:07:29 No.73885640

I agree, again the polygenic scores of Myceneans were really good and they ate wholegrain a lot


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:08:39 No.73885644

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Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:09:34 No.73885654

4chan: the post,
gawd I love shitposting with you brahs


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:12:52 No.73885683>>73885696 >>73885705

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>look goys, this well is poison! Quick stop eating meat!


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:15:22 No.73885696>>73885743

>It's either - or
Jews spotted.

Just eat normally lol.


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:17:02 No.73885705>>73885743

Eating a well balanced meal does not mean to stop eating meat.
The Iron Age Romans and Myceneans had meat, just more sparsly than dairy and grains.


Anonymous 03/24/24(Sun)01:23:01 No.73885743

>jews are pushing meat
>obvious angle is to stop eating meat
I'm saying if there is keto spam linked to jews, it's well poisoning. Everyone with a functional brain knows to balance foods. Thought that was obvious enough. There's such consistent sabotage campaigns going on here


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